Xenotake Game Play Online
Play Xenotake Game Video Game Roms Online! Xenotake Game Games can be Played in Your Browser right here on Vizzed.com.
Subscribe to the channel for more games and other stuff Like the video if you think it was good! Meet ya in my next video! Till then keep playing and don't do any violence with this:) Peace out! _________________________ --Download Area-- (Just click on the link clear the captcha and click on get link) Then it should get you to the google drive page Note- If link isn't working or your having problems comment down Password to the rar file:- ANIMEGAMERDUDE Download link- _________________________.
Important: Additional to the link you will receive in your e-mail, download XT_Main.zip which contains the other half of the needed files, then extract all the contents from both ZIP files in the same folder, make sure to also download the Update 1.1, is not necessary but recommended. Necessary Files Please only use Box if MEGA doens’t work. DLsite If you prefer you can purchase it through DLsite: DLsite JP: DLsite English: Purchasing from DLsite you don’t need to update to version 1.1, it’s already updated, it also already contains the japanese translation.

Additional Files (Mega) (MF) This update contains some fixes and gallery options, please only use MF if MEGA doens’t work. Copy the new EXE file into the game folder. Old save files won’t work and will probably crash the game, is better to delete them (files to delete: “ sdata” and “ dataex“) if you have them. Life-Saver Says: Tried the Demo, It is very nice! I was thinking about the whole Gore / hentai issue, and though about one easy principle. Curently, there is no end-scene.

Only a cut back to last checkpoint. Guro fans will always go this way to try and see gore content: exhaust health. Where Hentai fans will let themselves get raped. In you last game, Prisonkage, there are many insta deaths. And this is the issue. You could satisfy both crowds by leaving rape content to the “s” tapping events / letting it all go to see final rape scene And for a gory death, a unique death scene for each monster when they atack and your health gets to 0. Currently, it feels like there is place for filling this in the current demo version.
(and of course, providing a menu option to disable gore content for sensible ppl) So wrapping it up: health to 0 = gory death, Enemy catches you, rape scene. Menu option to disable if needed. I would be then willing to pay as game would feel more complete. Nice work until now Btw.
Says: There’s no visible demo here anymore, but you can get the trial version from the english DLsite page or look for it in old posts, demo is censored, you can download the censor patch from here but I don’t remember if it works with the demo. Read the post at the top of this page, the instructions are there, when you click “buy here” you will get to another page where you can buy through paypal, then do the normal paypal procedure, after buying you’ll receive a link in your email to download a set of files, then download the other ones here,,the ones under “necessary files”. Or you can just buy on DLsite which is easier but a bit more expensive. Anonymous Says: It’d probably be helpful if I had it here so others can troubleshoot problems as well. I’ve attached a poorly cropped screenshot of the files I have in the folder If I open the XT.exe file the game works just fine, I’ve played through it before and can make a new game. If I open the XT1_1.exe file the loading bar completes, a black screen pops up, a series of about 20~ error messages all saying the above error pop up and then it’s just a black screen. I’ve tried it with the info.txt being both the old and the new, the one in that capture is the new one.
The lang folder has one file called EngOr.txt. I’ve not installed any other language packs or mods. Anonymous Says: Hello, Vosmug! I’m here to make some questions for you. First of all, my interest is only to help and I know the game is finished. For me, Xenotake is probably one of the best h-games of 2014, but here I go: 1 – Why is there a command to crouch?
If you crouch, you can’t dodge any attack, can’t move, can’t shoot, can’t recharge a point of armor lost or use the armor dash. You can only change the type of ammunition. Did you put the command to make the game more realistic? 2 – The second enemy you find in game has “2 animations”. There’s one when the grapple happens and it “swallows” half of the protagonist with camera outside the allien, and a second animation with camera inside. When camera is outside, there’s a chance to be a tentacle sex animation or just the swallow.