Breville Bread Maker Bb200 Manual
This is a Breville Ultimate Baker's Oven Model BB420 Bread Maker Machine Manual & Recipe Guide that will be sent to you in PDF format to the email address you provide to us during checkout. The amount charged is an email delivery fee which is good for one full year to have this manual emailed to you up to 12 times.
I have used this bread maker for over six years now and am really impressed. The baking instructions are straight forward. I have found that most breads turn out best when using the 'basic white' option and a crust setting of 'A' on the keypad. As with all bread baking, attention to detail is an absolute necessity. Invest in a digital kitchen scale and follow the recipe exactly as shown.
The breadmaker comes with a solid recipe book, and more importantly--baking tips. Most bread making frustrations come from measuring the ingredients incorrectly or using olive oil for the 'fat content' instead of a better baking oil such as canola. I have found that water trumps the use of milk nine times out of ten also.

The Breville has been a fine machine that has really never let us down. Its vertical design allows the maker to fit nicely into the corner of our kitchen counter. I highly recommend this model but have heard that it has been discontinued.
Have used it on white and wholemeal breads and pizza dough, does a consistently good job. Those people who cant get a good loaf out of it are obviously doing something wrong - accurate measurements are critical, a 5gm error of flour or water are enough to cause variation in your loaf. I also found that some premixes leave a bit to be desired, in one case a wholemeal premix i bought had dead yeast in spite of the fact the use-by date was well within its time frame.
Safer to use your own yeast, or better yet, dont use premix, use fresh bakers flour and your own ingredients. + Quick & easy to use, consistent results as long as you weigh ingredients accurately and take into account seasonal differences in flours. - Only had mine 7 months making on average 2 loaves a week and the rivets holding the drive unit to the pan have movement and water leaks past the rivets.
Was told by Brevilles Authorised repairer a new pan unit will cost $85 and is not covered by Breville's warranty as the item is considered a 'consumable'. I am currently fighting this with Breville. A consumable should cost more than half the cost of the whole machine, and the buyer has no way of knowing this item isn't warranted until the machine is purchased and brought home. Have had this machine for over 5 years and it still works perfectly.
It's very easy to use, and compared with making bread by hand, it's a huge time-saver. I usually make bread with individual ingredients as per the Baker's Oven instruction manual, and these always turn out fine. New serials on star plus. However, for convenience I sometimes use prepared bread mixes, and have found that you have to be careful with some of these. While certain brands are very reliable (e.g. Defiance plain white), others have given problems.
For example with Lauke's Barossa Sour Dough Rye mix I have found out (the hard way!) that the amount of water specified is way too much - e.g. For 3.5 standard cups of mix you need about 300ml of water, not 400ml as it says on the packet, otherwise you end up with a sloppy mess. The delayed start is a great feature.
If you can remember to set up a mix the night before, there nothing quite so wonderful as waking up to the aroma of freshly made bread the next morning. There is nothing like waking up to the smell of fresh bread. I like to set up the ingredients for the French Bread (in the manual) the night before and set the timer to have the bread ready 10 hours later. The timer is easy to use as you set it for the time you want the bread to be finished, so if you want the bread ready at 8AM and it is currently 8PM, you just need to set the timer for 12 hours and the bread will be steaming hot! I really love the included recipes in the manual. My favourites are the French Bread and the Pizza Dough.