Windmaster 500 Software
This is a libary for arduino connecting to a Soladin 600 inverter Soladin 600 en Windmaster 500 inverters from mastervolt are basicly the same Connecting to windmaster is not tested. The libary uses the softserial libary to make a connection to the Soladin, leaving the hardware serial for programming and monitoring.
May 31, 2018 - Windmaster - 500 - Solar Inverters by Mastervolt International BV. Windmaster 500 is a grid connected inverter for grid connection of small wind. Soladin 600, Windmaster 500 I bought a Soladin PC-Link two weeks ago, one very frustrating aspect about the Mastervolt software is the inability to create logfiles about how the PV-Plant is performing.
Hi, I have both grid tied solar panels and WindTurbine and use the MasterVolt Soladin 600 and Windmaster 500 grid tie units respectively. I find them to be very impressive units indeed with the 'up-time' of the Soladin 600 being particularly good. The Wind Turbine also works very well with the Windmaster but I would like to optimise the programmed PowerCurve and am happy to do this by trial and error. From what I can find this is not possible through the Soladin Software (which reports performance and error data). In all documentation I see it says that this is set through PassWord Protected Software by the system Vendor. I assume this provides a form of distributor copyright on the kit by those such as FutureEnergy, but where does it leave those of us who want to change the settings? All help gratefully received.
Ah.this sounds a bit like Panasonic telephone systems.! There IS software available to do exactly what you want, but it stays in the hands of registered dealers and isn't passed on to end users. Probably because 'performance tweaks' outside of normal user accessible functions could potentially defeat safety features or make the system run outside of a warranty-able set of parameters. Suggest contact the manufacturer directly and ask if this is the case.
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Panasonic will happily send an 'approved dealer' to make such tweaks to their kit.for a hefty charge!! _________________ To succeed, planning alone is insufficient. One must improvise as well. Asimov X-Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett. You're not wrong there, It turns out there's a little publicised tweak to the standard free issue software that reveals the programmable features. And yes, every supplier said this was not possible by anyone but them and their special software with big warnings on damaging the unit if it's done wrong - determining the correct settings alone is a vast subject far too complex for the average tinkering Joe!
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We'll they may well be right, and I may well destroy the thing - but at least I'm in control of something I paid my money for! To the Multivolt Soladin 600 and Windmaster 500 units are classy bits of kit. If anyone does need to reprogramme theirs for other wind turbines or water wheels chances are someones already done the investigative work - I found good settings for me on a German Green Forum and used Google Translate to understand what it was all about.