Trislander Flight Manual
I am a big fan of the Britten Norman Trislander and have many as authentic AI traffic flying around the Channel Islands.I recently watched a Just Planes DVD on the Channel Islands airline AURIGNY and noticed that the 'real-life' performance of the Trislander is nothing like the performance of the FS model (nothing new there then;-)Has anyone successfully modified the AIR file on the Trislander (Marcel Kuhnt developed it originally I believe) to reflect real-world performance? If not would be great to hear from anyone who knows of some freeware I could use to improve the general handling and performance of this fabulous three-engined English workhorse!Adam. Hi DanI found it much too powerful. Real world climb performance with full aircraft is around 500 fpm @ 80kts - I appear to be getting around 120-130kts in the climb even throttled back above 500ft at suggested rpm/prop values.This could easily be a FS2002 > FS2004 issue (as with many aircraft) so just wanted to fine-tune it for FS2004.Are you running 2002 or 2004 Dan?Other than this I love Marcel's aircraft and Ken Mitchell's panel. Addon Lycoming engine sounds are a must too!
Diamond Aircraft Industries. AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL (english) - BASIC MANUAL.

Have flown IN a Trislander with Aurigny in the late 80's. Fantastic aeroplane.CheersAdam. I'll also continue research this end. I was using the Aurigny flight notes to compare against the FS version - by the sounds of it they are trying to conserve engine life/fuel so the 80kts @ 500fpm climb would sound quite logical. 1000ft is preferable (call me impatient;-)Someone has done Aurigny repaints (4!) for the Trislander which is great - my EGJJ UK2000 scenery looks most realistic now (apart from the BEA Viscount;-)Let me know how your research goes Dan.
After the RealAir SF260 and PMDG 737-700 it's my 'most flown' aircraft in fs2004Adam. Greetings Adam,As far as I can tell the only BN3 FDE circulated in the last two years were written by me and were distributed in the FS8 Trislander release by Roger Guy. Roger is an Air Traffic Controller at Guernsey and the files were developed with the co-operation of Aurigny. The flight dynamics were written from the Aurigny manuals and full handling notes are provided in the relevant release.
Marcel Kuhnt has never circulated either BN3 flight dynamics or a BN3 panel as far as I know.Roger Guy's Trislander website is here;but it only explains that there will be no FS9 update.Aurigny Virtual is here; Marcel's BN2 FDE are for AI use only when used in conjunction with the BN3. They are not suitable, or presumably intended, for first person flight simulation.
They relate to a different aircraft.The FS8 Trislander by Roger Guy remains available for download from Avsim. Use the Avsim file Library search engine to locate it using as the target. I believe some additional textures may also be available from Avsim.The flight dynamics are realistic when used correctly, (in accordance with the Aurigny handling notes), in FS8. If the panel is not bundled with the aircraft release at Avsim it should be available from the site above.Unfortunately FS9 has a different flight model from which a number of key variables have been deleted.