Download Wow 1 12 1 Repack Black
Nvidia geforce 8500 gt audio. Download WoW 1.12.1 Classic Client Full. This is the World of Warcraft version 1.12.1 Classic Client. Phoning Home Incl Update 1-Repack. Posted in PC REPACK, REQUEST ACCEPTED. REPACK – V1.15E – INCL 2 DLCs. World of Warcraft Exploits. WoW EMU General Releases; Oldest Vanilla WoW 1.12.1. Download World of Warcraft Classic ( 1.12.1).
Go to your WoW directory (usually at C:/Program Files/World of Warcraft) and paste those two folders there. Double-click the 'ad' file once pasted into the directory. A little black window pops up, do not touch it, just wait.
It's actually loading all the World of Warcraft maps and such. This takes a while, usually 20 minutes-1 hour.
Playing another game while it loads is a good idea. After that's done, go into the 'maps' folder you copied. Make sure there are a bunch of files starting with the word map. If there is, feel free to delete the 'ad' file, but I don't recommend doing that. Put the 'maps' folder with all those files into C:/AC Web Ultimate Repack/Arcemu. Be sure not to paste it into any of the sub-folders.
Here comes the tricky part, be careful!: Go to the WoW directory. Then go to Data/enUS (or enGB). Look for a file called A little window saying you can't open it will appear.
Click the little circle next to 'Select a program from a list of installed programs', then click OK. Find 'Notepad' and click OK. WARNING: IF YOU WANNA PLAY NORMAL WOW AGAIN, MAKE SURE TO COPY AND SAVE WHATS IN THE REALMLIST.WTF IN A DOCUMENT!! After you copy the contents in the into a document (word processor, notepad, anything like that) and save it, delete everything in it, and type in this: 'set realmlist' Save it. Make sure you save it as file, not a.txt file.
Hello Mangos Community! I need help with the repack.
Everything in the WoW 1.12.x Server Repack is fine and i like the rates that were already preset so I don't have to go back and edit them via Notepad ++ and one of the things I noticed is some of the instances are not scripted, For instance just to test one, I gave myself the corrupted ashbringer it makes me hostile with the Argent Dawn which is normal however when I go into the Cathedral usually an scripted event is triggered and I also noticed that i cannot hear the whispers of the blade. I know most players that will want to join my server will look forward to raiding and I don't want to disappoint them if they manage to get their hands on the blade. If there is a quick fix to this or any in general please refer me to the fix because I love this repack! NOTE: I do not know if its because I gave it to myself and didn't kill Alexandros Mograine however on other fun servers i joined i had problems with the blade speaking but not the scripted event. The Bloodsail Buccaneers quest Avast ye admiral is bugged as well since I am exalted with them and i cant pick up the quest. All transportation systems functional (boats and zeppelins) I will continue further testing. There is a weird text glitch when turning in scouragestones at light's hope chapel.
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Its something like $brother:$sister$ All teleporters in naxxaramas function however there is a bug that exists after fighting the undead frost drake where the gate doesnt open/shatter. I will try to keep you guys updated even though im pretty sure the person who created the repack tested everything haha. Edited June 19, 2016 by Axelthejackal1337. Although we don't directly support repacks, I can answer some of your questions. The Corrupted Ashbringer 'Event' is not currently in mangos, sadly any servers which had it have not submitted the fix / updates back to mangos to incorporate. I would suggest looking through our bug tracker to see if the bugs are listed there! - In the long run, it might be worth familiarizing yourself with the build and updates processes so that you can keep your server upto date rather than waiting for repacks.