Suikoden 2 Jeane Sell All Rune - Suikoden Site Navigation Shrine Navigation Antiques Walkthrough Runes Info The magic system in Suikoden is strange, for you must buy or obtain the crystals that are bonded to the user head. Afterwards, they can slowly learn to cast magic from that spell pool.

2.) item shop - list of items that alex's can sell 3.) inn 4.) store room 5.) armor shop - list of armors that hans can sell 6.) trading post - gordon's trading post - list of all trading post - tips in trading items 7.) rune shop - list of runes that jeane sells 8.) scroll maker - list runes converted to scrolls 9.) appraise 10.) blacksmith.
First off is the list of all crystals you can buy or find, with information on what they do, or how much they sell for. Further down is the chart of all spells, detailing what each attack does and what not. The letters found in the location represent a town found in the game. A list of all those towns can be found below.
Also at the end of this page is the list of unite attack created by high level runes mixtures. Rune Crystal Info and Prices Name Info Location Buy Sell Boar Crystal Allows the lone user (Pahn) to attack monster with double damage. Unable to fight the following turn. Village of Hidden Rune 0 0 Champion Crystal Keeps you from being attacked by weaker monsters. Wv, To 200 Clone Crystal User attacks with a clone image of theirself for twice the damage. Unable to attack the following turn.
Mt Tigerwulf 0 2500 Counter Crystal Enables user to counter attack most enemies attacks. Gf, To 7500 3750 Cyclone Crystal Enables user to cast Cyclone rune attacks (see list below). Seek Valley 0 7500 Earth Crystal Enables user to cast earth rune attacks (see list below). Ri, To 6000 3000 Fire Crystal Enables user to cast fire rune attacks (see list below). Ki, To 7000 3500 Flowing Crystal Enables user to cast Flowing rune attacks (see list below). Qlon Temple 0 7500 Fortune Crystal Doubles expience gained in battle. Ki, To 0 Gale Crystal Doubles the speed of the character wearing this rune.
One piece season 17 download kickass. Pannu Yakuta 0 6000 Hazy Crystal Cuts target monster chance of doing damage in half. Kb, To 9000 4500 Holy Crystal Enables user run in town or dungeons instead of walking. K, To 5000 2500 Killer Crystal Doubles user chances of deliverying a critical attack. T, To 8000 4000 Lightning Crystal Enables user to cast lightning rune attacks (see list below). Wv, To 8000 4000 Mother Earth Crystal Enables user to cast Mother Earth rune attacks (see list below). Moriva 0 7500 Prosperity Crystal Doubles the amount of gold recieved after battle.
Kill Sirens to obtain. Kalekka Region 0 25000 Rage Crystal Enables user to cast Raging rune attacks (see list below). Neclord Castle 0 7500 Spark Crystal User will be the first person to attack every round. Scarletia 0 5000 Sunbeam Crystal Enables user to heal one point of HP every step he walks. Dwarf Vault 0 10000 Thunder Crystal Enables user to cast Thunder rune attacks (see list below). Shasarazade 0 7500 Turtle Crystal Protects users from status attacks (poison, sleep, etc).

Dv, To Water Crystal Enables user to cast water rune attacks (see list below). S, Se, To 7000 3500 Wind Crystal Enables user to cast wind rune attacks (see list below). Kv, To 8000 4000 Dwarf Villiage Dv Great Forest Gf Kaku K Kirov Ki Kobold Villiage Kv Rikon Ri Rockland R Sanady S Seika Se Teien T Toran Castle To Warrior Villiage Wv Rune Spell Pool Below are the list of all the spells various runes can cast. Cyclone Rune Spell Name Level What the Spell Does Shredding 1 Deals 400 damage to one monster.