Star Trek Botf Patch 1.02
Download version 1.02 patch from Microprose/InfoGames website. HERE; Download fixed trek.exe file from HERE or HERE (zipped). Install the patch (make sure CD is in drive) Replace trek.exe file in game directory (usually c: botf) with fixed trek.exe. The game will now run from copied CD & on Win2k /.
Requires DX5 patch. 1. Dies about 5-10% of the battles (restart and use continue to get back to end of previous turn) 2. Multiplay requires DX 6.1, so probably doesn't work (not tested) 3. Does not show on taskbar. If you switch applications, must use alt-tab to return The base game installs fine. To install the patch: 1. Download the version for directx 6.1 already installed (otherwise it will try to install DX6.1) 2. Modify registry to make it think you have DX 6.1 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Microsoft -> DirectX InstalledVersion = 06 03 00 00 Version = '' 3.

Install the patch 4. Reset registry to previous values Operating System: Windows XP Rating: Submitted on 2002-04-01 12:00:00.
For multiplayer; simply run 'winetricks directplay' in your Birth of the Federation prefix as this will enable you to join multiplayer games over TCP/IP. The following ports must be reachable on the host machine, and may need to be port forwarded if you are behind a router: TCP 2300 UDP 2350, 47624 The game seems to hang when trying to 'cancel' out of multiplayer configuration screens; if this happens, you may need to kill the game ('killall trek.exe' from the command line). Be sure to also kill any.exe processes which are still running (using a tool such as ksysguard) to ensure you can still use multiplayer later. Any cut untuk hp max c3. If you are running fullscreen and killing the game leaves you with the wrong screen resolution, try issuing the following command: xrandr -s 1280x1024replacing '1280x1024' with your desired resolution.
I tried a few variations but no luck. The path on the virtual drive is 'c:/botf/trek.exe' but if you try to use wine c:/botf/trek.exe or any of the seemingly logical variations, I get FOUND REGISTRY KEY: [SOFTWARE MICROPROSE STAR TREK: BOTF] The instruction at 0x00511398 referenced memory at 0x00000000. The memory could not be read.
Double clicking the icon from the virtual drive folder works fine, however, which likely does not mean much. I also tried to use RUN in the wine command prompt and had the same registry key output.