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May 24, 2015 - Movicon WebClient is the Mobile Client application that allows you to. To Progea Movicon Server demo and interact with the simple synoptics. Find PROGEA SRL software downloads at CNET, the most comprehensive source for safe, trusted, and spyware-free downloads on the Web. NExt WebClient is the Mobile Client.
• Mac: OS X 10.9 or later. See table below: • intel32: libc 2.19 like used in Ubuntu 14.04LTS • amd64: libc 2.13 like used in Debian Wheezy • armhf: libc 2.16 like used in Debian Jessie. • armhf 64 bit: libc 2.23 like used in Ubuntu 16.04 • armel: libc 2.13 like on Raspberry-Pi Raspian. Repetier host version 9.0. For the linux versions we currently only have Debian installer which work with all newer Debian like distributions like Ubuntu as long as your libc version is greater equal the used version. Use armel if you have a older libc.
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