How To Crack Terminal Server 2008 R2
I want to use Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard as a Terminal Server for my users. The Role of the server is Internet Browsing only as of now. This server will be setup in DMZ. I wil not be creating any NAT rule. It will be used by Internal company users. DMZ to LAN Traffic will be blocked.
LAN to DMZ will be allowed. DMZ has IP ZONE X2 LAN has IP ZONE X1 WAN ZONE X0 How Application Virtulazation work in 2008 server? I like to have users clicking on Internet Explorer Icon on their Desktop and connecting it to Server but it should be transparent to them. I don't want to the RDP Window to show up and that yellow bar sits on the TOP. What do i need to do? Please help me, or guide me to the material. Sounds like an expensive method to allow users internet access.
Animations play horribly over RDP, in fact regular internet browsing is one of the few things that RDP isn't really good for, due to that fact and that just about all sites nowadays have some kind of animated ad, movies, sounds, etc. For licenses, you would need (obviously) the server license, and then Terminal Server user or device CAL's for each user or device accessing the TS (pick either user or device, not both).
Creating a DHCP Failover Cluster on Windows Server 2008 R2. Activating a 2008 R2 Remote Desktop License Server. Deploy and configure a Windows Server 2012 R2.
With RemoteApp, I'm pretty sure by default the program still has access to the local drives on the client machine - that may be disabled most likely, but something to remember if you're trying to prevent malware from making it back. I'd say it's something I wouldn't do. All of the licenses, and then basically putting it out there to be abused.

Not sure why you're doing this with IE, but if you want to use Server 2008 to give programs to users without sending them to a whole Remote Desktop, you're asking about 'RemoteApp'. Long story short, any application installed on the Terminal Server can be delivered to users by making a custom RDP file that links back to the application on the TS. (Or you can put up a web page of program shortcuts, or you can provide a whole Remote Desktop. But that's not what you asked for.) Instead of a whole Remote Desktop, the application appears to the user as an individual window, like any other program. 2 things to look out for: 1) If you provide users with an RDP file instead of a webpage or desktop, it will appear as the standard 'satellite dish' RDP icon.
Batch file for version check of a specific application, installed on machine. How do I write a batch file which will do a version check of a specific installed. How to get java version and want to get '6' out of java version from batch file. I tried below script, but it didn't work. REM check java exists using JAVA_HOME system variable if '%JAVA_HOME. How can I retrieve that file version, from a batch file? The double slashes of file name. Ready to use script. To check if a file exists from inside a batch file. Batch script check file version. Windows Batch Script to Detect Windows Version The following is a batch script that can almost run on every Windows Version and the output will be a string that indicates which Win ver you are running on. The principle is to check the version from command 'ver' and use 'find' to find specific version numbers.
Not sure how to change the appearance to IE, or keep users from confusing it with a locally installed IE. 2) Since the application will not be running on the local PC, but will appear to be doing so, users can get confused. If they save something to 'Desktop', it will NOT be to their local desktop - it will be the desktop of the TS the app is being deployed from.
Watch out for that kind of thing. Thanks alot, I am just done reading about RemoteApp and was searching for documentation Step by Step how to make a package file to install on User Desktop. We block 98% of Internet Traffic on your Network. This is a way to have users free ride, uncontroled envirmoent on Terminal server.