Batch Script Check File Version
Disclaimer The sample scripts are not supported under any Microsoft standard support program or service. The sample scripts are provided AS IS without warranty of any kind. Microsoft further disclaims all implied warranties including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk arising out of the use or performance of the sample scripts and documentation remains with you. In no event shall Microsoft, its authors, or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the scripts be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the sample scripts or documentation, even if Microsoft has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
Animation Maya. • • • • Path animation lets you set a curve as an animation path for an object. Application, and does not perform the animation in situ ('on the spot' or 'in place'). Overview This tutorial is designed to show you the exporting data process from Maya to Virtools for a character animation scene. It uses the Maya to Virtools plug in. Animation tutorials in maya pdf download.
We have a batch file that installs several programs as part of the developers setup. This is ran periodically when we get new versions of used components. So it would be nice only to install if the versions are different.
Or the command to check file version in a batch file!! I'm not aware of any command except for ver which will give you the version of your OS. This script is will.
At the command prompt I can run this and get back the version installed: wmic datafile where name='C: Program Files (x86) Common Files Company Product Version12 Product.exe' get version /format:list Which gives the output Version=12.1.369.0. However when I put this into a batch file like this and try to extract the version: echo off FOR /F 'tokens=2 delims=='%%I in ('wmic datafile where^(name^='C: Program Files (x86) Common Files Company Product Version12 Product.exe' get version /format:list') DO (SET 'RESULT=%%I') ECHO%RESULT% I get the response Common was unexpected at this time.
Some parts may be redundant as I've been trying stuff off the 'Net to correct this. What have I missed? You have a set of misplaced double quotes, as well as an extra (. WMIC uses SQL syntax, and strings are enclosed in single quotes.The internal single quotes do not interfere with the command enclosing single quotes. You can put double quotes around the WHERE clause (not including the WHERE keyword) to avoid some escape issues within the FOR DO() clause. @echo off FOR /F 'tokens=2 delims=='%%I IN ( 'wmic datafile where 'name='C: Program Files (x86) Common Files Company Product Version12 Product.exe' get version /format:list' ) DO SET 'RESULT=%%I' ECHO%RESULT% But this may not quite be the whole solution.
You can't see it with the above code, but RESULT actually contains a trailing carriage return (0x0D). This is due to a quirk with how FOR /F handles WMIC unicode output. Every line of WMIC output will have the extra trailing carriage return.
As long as you always access RESULT using%RESULT% (normal expansion), then you will not have any problems. But if you should ever need delayed expansion, then you can have problems, as demonstrated below.
@echo off setlocal enableDelayedExpansion FOR /F 'tokens=2 delims=='%%I IN ( 'wmic datafile where 'name='C: Program Files (x86) Common Files Company Product Version12 Product.exe' get version /format:list' ) DO SET 'RESULT=%%I' ECHO%RESULT%xxx ECHO!RESULT!xxx One convenient method to strip the unwanted carriage return is to use an extra level of FOR. @echo off setlocal enableDelayedExpansion FOR /F 'tokens=2 delims=='%%I IN ( 'wmic datafile where 'name='C: Program Files (x86) Common Files Company Product Version12 Product.exe' get version /format:list' ) DO FOR /F 'delims='%%A IN ('%%I') DO SET 'RESULT=%%A' ECHO%RESULT%xxx ECHO!RESULT!xxx.

Here's the subroutine I use for this in my own software update batch script::getfattr set%1= setlocal set 'name=%~f2' set 'name=%name: =%' for /f 'delims='%%A in ('wmic datafile where 'name='%name:'= '%' get%1 /format:list') do @^ for /f 'delims='%%B in ('%%A') do endlocal & set '%%B' & goto:eof echo>&2 getfattr failed endlocal goto:eof It can get any file attribute supported by wmic datafile get. For example, here's how you might get the file version for the currently installed Adobe Reader: call:getfattr version '%ProgramFiles(x86)% Adobe Reader 11.0 Reader AcroRd32.exe' echo '!version!' After doing that, environment variable version will contain the requested version string.
If:getfattr fails, version is guaranteed to be unset. This is my filever bat file. @echo off If '%~1'==' goto help If '%~1'=='/?' Goto help If /i '%~1'=='/h' goto help If '%~1'=='-?' Goto help If /i '%~1'=='-h' goto help set filepath=%~f1 set file=%filepath: =% wmic datafile where name^='%file%' get version findstr /i /v /c:'version' echo%errorlevel% goto finish:help Echo.