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Trauma 8th Edition Hailed by readers and reviewers for its expert authorship and high-yield clinical content, Trauma is unquestionably the field’s definitive text. Enhanced by a full-color design and a high-quality atlas of anatomic drawings and surgical approaches, this trusted classic takes readers through the full range of injuries the trauma surgeon is likely to encounter.

Supported by numerous x-rays, CT scans, plus tables throughout, Trauma begins with an informative look at kinematics and the mechanisms of trauma injury. Subsequent chapters provide useful background information on the epidemiology of trauma; injury prevention; the basics of trauma systems, triage, and transport; and much more. The next section meticulously reviews generalized approaches to the trauma patient, from pre-hospital care and managing shock, to emergency department thoracotomy and the management of infections. Trauma then delivers a clear organ-by-organ survey of treatment protocols designed to help clinicians respond to any critical care situation with confidence, no matter what body system is involved. The remaining sections of the book will help readers successfully handle specific challenges in trauma?including alcohol and drug abuse, and combat-related wounds?in addition to post-traumatic complications such as multiple organ failure.