
Classpad 330 Add-In Installer

What is an ADD-In? An ADD-In, is an application that was not in the ClassPad when manufactured. ADD-Ins are available from Casio or from third party software developers.

Lua language is just between Basic language and C++. This programming language is simple, flexible and fast. It allow developers to program complexes applications that can’t be programmed with Basic language. Datasensor s7-5-e-p manual. CPLua is an Add-In for ClassPad which include a Lua interpreter and many new functions then CPLua allow making some Lua applications directly on the calculator. CPLua is a project then some bugs can appear.


The most stable version is currently 0.8 version. The last version is 0.9D version which include some new tools and functions (including a new library which allow creating an manipulating graphical interface), this version contain probably some bugs then use it carefully by waiting 1.0 release version.