
Download Manual Sonometro Quest 2800

INTRODUCTION TO THE MODEL 2800 The Quest Model 2800 functions as a Sound Level Meter, Impulse or Integrating Sound Level Meter. Yahoo messenger version 9.0. In all modes, the Model 2800 delivers Type 2 accuracy for noise measurements and statistical analysis. Applications include laboratory, industrial, community and audiometric measurement and analysis. Sound measuringneeds. The Quest 1200 Sound Level Meter is a light weight. The purpose of this manual is to provide the user with the necessary informa.

Download Manual Sonometro Quest 2800

This product has been retired and is no longer available for purchase. Please see the for a suitable replacement. 3M Quest Basic series sound level meters provide you with extremely easy-to-use tools for obtaining the most commonly required noise measurements, such as SPL, Lmin, Lmax, Leq/Lavg, and Peak. Quest model 2200 integrating sound level meters offer superior noise measurement and analysis with General Purpose Class/Type 2 accuracy. Key Specifications • 30 to 140 dBA measurement range • Fast, slow, peak, and impulse response modes; A, C, and Z weighting modes • Selectable 3 and 5 dB exchange rates • Simple one-button field calibration • Meets new Illinois EPA regulation 910.105 for noise testing • Kit includes meter, windscreen, 50' cord, calibrator, adapter, and storage case • Retired.

Please see the for a current replacement.

Before I get into the meat of this post, I just want to say that I am humbled, truly humbled, you have chosen to visit our little corner of the sports blogosphere to read what I have to say. Well, if I were to use the phrase “I am humbled” like we hear so many athletes and public figures use it, then yes, I suppose I am actually humbled that by virtue of you reading these words you are giving me the very real gift of your time and the honor of your attention. But – and forgive me for being blunt here, because I am thisclose to exploding in petpeeved annoyance – how in the hell is that actually humbling? The reality is that it’s not. Your presence here is not humbling.

The fact that you – a reader I respect and try to entertain and inform every day – are reading these words that I have written fills me with more pride than I can put into words. And the last time I checked – – pride is an antonym of humility. So what gives? Am I humbled by your presence or prideful about your presence? One thing is for sure: don’t look to athletes for guidance on this one. First, let’s take a quick look at the: humbled past participle, past tense of humble (Verb) • Lower (someone) in dignity or importance: “I knew he had humbled himself to ask for my help”. • Decisively defeat (another team or competitor, typically one that was previously thought to be superior).

Okay, so by the actual definition of the word, your presence here at MSF would have to lower me in dignity or importance for me to be humbled by you being here. Clearly this is not the case. My goal with every post is to write something useful, either by being informative or entertaining or both, and for it to be seen by as many people in its target audience as possible.