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Intro Open PS2 Loader is a 100% Open source game loader compatible with USB Advance/Extreme game format and also with plain ISO format. It aims to be more compatible with games, and should work without ps2load and DNASXXX.IMG replacement tricks. Open PS2 Loader also is developed continuously and anyone can contribute improvements to the project. Open PS2 Loader can load games though USB, network (SMB) and from the PS2's HDD unit. It supports all models of the PlayStation 2, and the PlayStation 3 models with PlayStation 2 backward compatibility. IMPORTANT: • USB games must be unfragmented.
If not, they will not work properly. • The compatibility modes have changed (not the same as the HDLoader compatibility modes). Red hot chili peppers live moving lights. • For viewing or making game compatibility reports, please refer to this thread: Related threads/links (To be updated) • • • • • • User Guides 0.9.3 To be done. 0.9.1 Release types (since 0.9.3). Type (can be a combination) Description Normal (No suffixes) Regular, basic OPL release, without any extra features (see below).
Ps2 Boot From Hard Disk Software Recover Files from Hard Disk v.5.91 Recover Files from Hard drive - easily with hard drive recovery software, recommended by Microsoft Corporation as the best hard drive recovery software for both home and office computers. Download CodeBreaker V92 PS2 ELF. Sta parlando di HD Loader non di USB Loader,ha una PS2 Fat dunque usa un network adapter con collegato un HDD interno e la velocit. Tuturial Instal HDLoader Di PS2 FAT (Metrik)HDLoader adalah aplikasi untuk booting PS2 HDD tujuannya untuk memainkan game di ps.
Childproof OPL release with some controls disabled (e.g. Delete and rename). There isn't a GSM+childproof version because GSM is for power users. VMC OPL release with Virtual Memory Card (VMC) support. GSM OPL release with GSM integrated into it. PS2RD OPL release with PS2RD Cheat Engine built-in feature. For SMB users: if you are experiencing connection issues, please attempt to make a packet capture and share it with the developers via PM, so that the developers can actually see what's going on with your SMB connection.
For more information on making a packet capture, please check out this. Code: ==== Version 0.9.3 ==== CORE: * New RDB-based DECI2 Debugging System.
* Refactored and optimized core modules. * New CDVDMAN streaming mechanism for better performance. * Kinder, gentler, and hopefully better IGR mechanism * Added support for the DTL-T10000, for debugging.
* Updated USB drivers - support drives greater than 1TB but less than 2TB in capacity, plus better reliability. * Eliminated the need for user-configurable delays in USB support. * Improved performance and stability of SMB support. * VMC Fix - Slot2 should no longer clone Slot1 and vice versa * Removed obsolete Compatibility Modes and needless GSM video modes. * New PS2RD Cheat Engine port by Doctorxyz. * Per-Game GSM Support. * New super-slim EE core, making mode 1 (Alt EE core) obsolete.
* Added Accurate Reads mode, for emulating the reading speed and behaviour of the CD/DVD drive. * The CallBack Timer (CBT) setting now uses a standardized value and was merged into Accurate Reads mode. * Added a workaround for some clone network adaptors. * Mode 7 'IOP threading hack' removed, as the new streaming mechanism has taken care of all related issues. * New compatibility mode: 'high module storage'.
For games that need OPL to store its modules elsewhere, to avoid a memory conflict. * Improved reading performance of the cdrom device. * Improved reliability of some CDVDMAN functions, for more consistent behaviour.
* Improved DVD-DL support. * Changed 'Disable DVD-DL' to 'Emulate DVD-DL' to better explain what it does. It's to emulate DVD-DL support, for DVD9 rips (games with their 2 layers compacted into 1). * Fixed support for SMB usernames and passwords that are longer than 16 characters (limit extended to 31). * Fixed renaming functionality for USBExtreme games.
* Various fixes for games. GUI: * Improved the behaviour of the auto-refresh option. * GSM moved to Game Options menu since its a Per-Game option now. * Infamous 'Blockhead Grande' theme bug SQUARSHED!
(Themes should now get loaded correctly, regardless of display settings). * New theme and logo design by Jay-Jay. * Better error reporting and help messages in general. * Network settings are now saved in opl_network.cfg. * Improved stability, design and UI responsiveness. * Added missing icon hints. * Fixed the problem with the HDLDump server being difficult to shut down properly.

* Fixed HDD corruption caused by deleting a game from the HDD unit. * Added a new network update mechanism, which allows game compatibility records to be automatically downloaded from the OPL-CL service. * SMB server can now be specified by its NetBIOS name. * IP address configuration can be set automatically with DHCP, although it is still recommended to reserve an IP address for the PS2 in the network because the DHCP reservation will not be ever renewed while in-game.