Codemasters Toca Race Driver 3 Patch
Hey all, I recently picked up Toca race driver 3 for pc (dvd/cd version) and since im not a PC pro I installed and the StarForce drivers nearly. TOCA RACE DRIVER 3 v1.0 [ENGLISH] NO-DVD PATCH (52.9KB) *This No-DVD patch is to be used in conjunction with the RELOADED fixed exe file. TOCA RACE DRIVER 3 v1.0 [ENGLISH] NO-DVD/FIXED EXE (1.11MB) *This game fix also works for the V8 Supercars 3: Race Driver title.

Hy everybody. I have a big problem with this game. I have an original copy, i boutght it because is the only one that suppose to work.
That's wrong. When i start the game it's all good for 5 minutes, then the screen starts blinking and the system shut down!!! It seems like a sort of cd check, but i have the original one inside, i don't have alchool or daemon installed, i have patched the game to 1.1.??? The same dvd on another pc is good.
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What should i do?? The starforce consider my copy like a reloaded one?
Should i delete starforce or dvd check via reloaded cra**?? I really don't know help me please. With an original copy of the game, after 5 minutes playing, the pc shut down. I have tried the reloaded one but the problem is still the same. I have uninstalled the original game, tried to clean the reloaded one from starforce, applied the no-dvd check from reloaded, made an image compliant to the specifications of the original, unplugged the optical drive. But the pc shut down after 5 minutes playing.
What shoul i do?? It's not an heat problem, my cpu works around 55c° and the warning is on 75c°. 1°) Computer shut down by 3D activity is most part of time a graphic adapter problem. 2°) check your graphic adapter driver, motherboard chipset and agp port driver update. 3°) after a proper uninstall from game make a new installation NEVER LAUNCH THE GAME WITH ORIGINAL EXE FILE.
4°) use the NoDVD 'TOCA Race Driver 3 v1.0 [ENGLISH] No-DVD Patch by nonspin ', Replace the original RD3.EXE file with the one from the File Archive #1. Extract the RD3.PATCHER.EXE Patch from the File Archive to the game directory. Execute the Patch to remove the CD-Check from: RD3.EXE Play the Game! They run proper and if doesn't work than buy a new graphic card with DX9 compatibility certification.
Can you give a description from your hardware? 5°) It's possible you have a hardware problem or you run an overclocked computer? 6)° if you run XP sp2, with a VIA chipset motherboard, remember, only the windows SP2 default AGP port driver run proper. OK, latest driver done, uninstallation done correctly, installed the reloaded version from daemon tools 4, installed the no-dvd patch, replaced the exe, patched. My hardware is: mb gygabite GA-8I915P Duo Pro cpu p4 560 3.6 ghz non-overclocked with silenttower and 12' fan ram kingston 2x512 mb ddr dual channel vga ati sapphire 850xt non-overclocked 4x 250 gb hdd maxtor sata raid 1 dvdrw pioneer.
All with latest drivers and bios. No problem with other games, starforce protected ones included. This seams just a sort of protection error, like a dvd check or a ring0 check (now i've installed alchool latest version and daemon latest version, + zone alarm pro latest, so a lot of things on ring0). Could it be another copy protection inside the exe code?
Somebody told me about the 'fade' protection of codemasters. In fact before running the game there's no starforce installed on my pc. I REALLY WANT TO PLAY WITH THIS BEAUTIFUL GAME!!! No answer from codemasters, probably i'll need a crack to make it work, but the reloaded one doesn't work. Any suggestion? The reloaded crack doesn't work? I have the original game with patch 1.1 and i'm using the reloaded crack since yesterday.the game runs fine,but i now noticed that the game is having some breaks when im racing.without the crack i didn't have breaks.
Could it be because the crack? I kept the original exe in case of. The reloaded crack doesnt' f*ck up the online play?i didnt check if it does.