Vera Serial Interface Program
SquareTrade 3-Year Home Improvement Extended Protection Plan ($75-99.99) for $6.71. Insteon PowerLinc Modem (PLM) Dual-Band Serial Interface, 2413S. I purchased this to integrate insteon and x10 components with my Vera home.
Denon-Marantz Module The Denon-Marantz Module enables control of streaming media on Denon and Marantz network receivers and surround processors. This rich user interface allows you to select streaming internet radio stations, local network media, or USB. Listen to music and display graphical metadata like cover art, artist/title information, and play time all within the context of your remote. Compatibility: The Denon-Marantz Module is compatible with 2013 & 2014 Denon and Marantz streaming-audio-capable AV Receivers. Onkyo-Integra Module Like an 'app within an app', the Onkyo-Integra Module enables control of Onkyo and Integra network receivers and surround processors.
The Holy Bible - 1611 Edition King James Version / 400th Anniversary Black Genuine Leather, Golden Edges / Word-for-word facsimile of the original 1611 Authorized Version 4.4 out of 5 stars 3. Leather Bound. Product details. Hardcover: 1312 pages. Product Description. Celebrating the 400th anniversary of the 1611 King James Version Bible For over 400 years, the Authorized Version of the Bible—popularly known as the King James Version—has been beloved for its majestic phrasing and stately cadences. No other book has so profoundly influenced our language and our theology. Over time, however. ITEM # FR-KJF-OTL: $349.00 - The Deluxe 1611 King James Bible 400th Anniversary Edition Facsimile in Imitation Leather with one genuine original Old Testament leaf of a regular (non-title) page from the original 1611 printing of the King James Bible First Edition (a $295 value if purchased separately).

This rich user interface allows you to select streaming internet radio stations, local network media, or USB. Listen to music and display graphical metadata like cover art, artist/title information, and play time all within the context of your remote.
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Integra compatibility: DTR-20.3, DTR-30.3, DTR-40.3, DTR-50.3, DTR-70.3, DTR-80.3, DHC-80.3, DTR-20.4, DTR-30.4, DTR-40.4, DTR-50.4, DTR-70.4 Onkyo compatibility: TX-NR5010, TX-NR5010, TX-NR3010, TX-NR1010, TX-NR818/818AE, TX-NR717, TX-NR616/616AE, TX-NR515/515AE, TX-NR414, PR-SC5509, TX-NR1009, TX-NR3009, TX-NR5009, TX-NR809, TX-NR509, TX-NR579, TX-NR609, TX-NR709, TX-8050 Mobile compatibility. PCS Pulseworx On Controls has developed compatibility with Powerline Control Systems (PCS) Pulsworx driver. PCS develops high-quality lighting and electrical control devices for the residential, commercial and industrial markets, providing a complete range of products designed to use standard powerlines to communicate control signals without additional wiring, providing integrators with a flexible and efficient lighting control solution.
The PulseWorx driver works with UPB (Universal Power Bus) devices, enabling integrators to address their client's lighting control needs within a wide array of price points. Mobile Compatibility.