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Localization packages are very simple to install, just uncompress the localization package in the same folder Openbravo POS is installed and restart the application. Database installation. Once Openbravo POS is installed you should decide whether you want to run Openbravo POS on the built-in engine or on any of the other database engines supported. Openbravo pos wiki. Vmware: ONLY for testing, uncompress and launch it in your preferred virtualization program (VMware, Virtualbox, etc ) and get an Openbravo running easily. Experts Only Custom deployment: we don't recommend to use it, please use the appliance in one of the previous options. Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged installation erp openbravo or ask your own question. By: Made Dhanar I Y Dian K Indrani Ismahan C Susilahwati O.
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