Batman Arkham Origins Glitch Fix Download
Steam has just closed its doors on the 2013 Winter Sale, where the price of Batman: Arkham Origins dropped 50% down to $24.99 (or $20 on Green Man Gaming), and the Season Pass to $9.99. If you were wondering whether Arkham Origins measures up to the last two, you might be a little disappointed to find out that there are still quite a few bugs. There have been patches (the most recent one was about 32.1 MB) so some have been fixed, but not all. Here are some of the things you can try. Please note, most of these errors relate to problems experienced on the PC Steam version of the game. Infinite Fall Glitch I have mentioned this one briefly in an earlier article, and noted that there hasn't been a fix found for it yet. A patch was released earlier that should have taken care of most instances of the Infinite Fall glitch, however this appears to be for games that have not yet experienced this problem.
If you run into this and or have been stuck for a while, email WB your save game. It remains the only way to fix this particular problem. My Alibi Glitch This appears to be a glitch that affects only the PC Steam version. After defeating Bird in the My Alibi nightclub, if you proceed into the back room (where a Data Pack is indicated on the map, unfortunately), the screen goes black. If you return to the main room, the stairway, all of them go black. Restarting from last checkpoint will cause you to be stuck on Batman in that blackness unable to do anything else. There is no fix for this yet.

DO NOT GO INTO THIS ROOM. It is a side quest, so you will still be able to continue the story without it. I know, it's annoying. But WB has yet to come out with a patch fix for it. EDIT: Thanks to user for find a fix on the Steam forums! By now there is a Fix for the my alibi glitch, and that one might even work for other problems which occur once you enter a building.
Found it in the steam forums and it works like a charm: 1. Find file BmInput.ini in your Batman Arkham Origins folder (eg: C: Steam SteamApps common Batman Atkham Origins SinglePlayer BMGame Config BmInput.ini) 2. Do copy of this file for safety and keep somewhere 3. Open this file 4. Find the last line in [Engine.PlayerInput] 5. Paste at the last: Bindings=(Name='F1', Command='start batentry?Area=OpenWorld?Players=Playable_Batman?unlockall') 6. Start the game 8.
Choose your story 9. Proest estimating software activation code. Your Batman is free;) This can be usefull for another bugs and glitches. I hope that helped What it actually does is teleporting you out of the building once you hit f1;) Chapel Bug This took me a little while to find the fix for. This happens in a later fight with the Joker inside the Chapel where he's holding two shards of glass, where prompts don't actually appear until you die. If you are experiencing this bug, these are some of the fixes: • lower your resolution (note: not graphics!) • open your map and then close it • turn off detective mode Other players have suggested that the prompts don't work on the Beatdown stage of the fight.
If this is the case, if you are able to, try plugging in a controller. This should allow you to play through this fight completely. The latest should have taken care of this issue however. [Updated 01-03 6:20pm EST] Joker fight progression blocker [UPDATE: A new patch has just gone live for PC that fixes the progression blocker where the final Joker fight cutscene couldn't be completed with Keyboard and Mouse] Deathstroke Disappearing When fighting Deathstroke on Penguin's ship, Final Offer. He may disappear.