Libreoffice Hardware Acceleration
In Preferences->LibreOffice->View, under Graphics Output, the 'Use hardware acceleration' checkbox is grayed out. I've tried running version on Mac OS X 10.11.6 and 10.10.5.
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This preset is for GEMFX, a shader collection by LuciferHawk. This preset was made for GTR2 (Fia-GT Racing game of SimBin), and it will work with mods for the game, such as 'Power&Glory'. It should also work just as well with other ISI based racing games, like GT-Legends, rFactor, Race'07, among others. GEM - Graphics Enhancement Mod is a new shader collection (GEM) and a new injector (GEMFX), implemented by LuciferHawk, which also utilizes the SweetFX shader stack (by This is a full working package, with the default preset specifically tuned for GTR2, so that it is ready to go in the game.
Bob 2016-08-29 20:41:04 UTC Description of problem: I have just performed a bare metal install of F24. I had no problems with libreoffice on F23. This bug is unique to the F24 installation which uses LO Several situations will cause the Calc application to lock up, requiring the process to be killed at the command line level. When selecting several cells of text to copy by dragging the highlighted cells at the lower right corner, the display does not update the contents of the cells until after the mouse cursor is released.
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In previous versions of Calc the changes to the cells would be populated with data while the drag was taking place. In this version, the cells are highlighted during the drag but the data is never populated during the drag. The data will not be populated until the mouse is released.
When performing operation (1), the application will frequently lock up. Calc becomes unresponsive during the drag with the mouse, and the display will not update when the mouse is released. At this point the Calc window is frozen and the mouse becomes unresponsive.
The whole system becomes unresponsive for several seconds, then after a few seconds the mouse can be used to select other desktop items. Although the remainder of the system can be used, the window relating to Calc remains unresponsive. To wit: a) the window will not update. It cannot be overwritten by any other window; b) the Calc program will not respond to any control inputs; c) the Calc program cannot be closed by clicking on the window close button in the top right corner of the header; d) Calc cannot be closed by right clicking on the taskbar and selecting 'Close.' When this is performed a pop-up dialgog box appears for Calc which contains a blacked-out box. Clicking anywhere in the blacked-out dialog box will not close the application.
E) the application can only be closed with the 'kill' command. F) no other application on the system is similarly effected. None of these problems existed in the previous version of LO that I was using in F23. This is a new problem with F24 and LO