Uf Honors Program College Confidential

College Reach Out Program (CROP) Past Student Programs. Gator Computing Archives. Summer 2019 will mark the 61th consecutive year of the University of Florida Student Science Training Program (UF-SSTP). Additional academic requirements include assignments given by instructors for the UF Honors Program seminar class. The assignments vary.
Scholarships are awards based on academic achievement, but financial need may also be considered. Scholarships do not have to be repaid, and do not require recipients to perform services to receive them. They are considered gift aid. Scholarships are awarded by various sources such as the university, the state, and individual colleges and departments, and private companies and individuals. For additional information on academic scholarships administered by other UF offices, go to For information on scholarships available through individual university departments and colleges, check with your department or college for information. SFA maintains a comprehensive listing of UF college-awarded aid, as well as scholarship from non-UF organizations on our. For information on State of Florida scholarships, go to.
If you are a donor or individual responsible for sending a scholarship check from a non-UF organization or agency to the university for a scholarship recipient, please review the for instructions and mailing address. SFA Awarded Scholarships SFA awards and/or administers scholarships, non-endowed and endowed. Download buku resep makanan indonesia lengkap. Students are automatically considered if they: • Apply for financial aid so that UF receives FAFSA results by the “on-time” deadline of December 15 • Have financial need as indicated by the FAFSA • Enroll as a full-time student • Have a 3.0 GPA • Meet the donor-specified criteria Machen Florida Opportunity Scholarships Machen Florida Opportunity Scholarships (MFOS) are designed to ensure that those who meet eligibility requirements will not have to work or borrow to attend UF, but rather will have their need fully met with grants and scholarships. Awards are offered to Florida resident first-time-in-college freshmen students and undergraduate renewal students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds whose parents have not earned a bachelor’s degree. This program, an initiative of the University of Florida, was supported by the Florida legislature in early June 2006 when it created the First Generation Matching Grant Program.