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Downloading Options Data in R: An Update. 2015-01-14 R Andrew B. I recently read an article which showed how to download Option Chain data from Google Finance using R. While playing around with the code from these articles I noticed a couple of things that might benefit from minor tweaks.
To save time the next time someone asks me, I put together this list of Mac OS X software. It is intended for people who have just started using a Mac. Most of these recommendations are based on my own use of the software. Some entries might be more obscure “best of breed” solutions for problems that you might have (even if I might not). Other recommendations are targeted at “switchers” from Windows who might be looking for replacements for specific software on that platform.

I’ve attempted to avoid listing the more standard stuff, like iTunes or commercial software like Photoshop (or many games). If you need such things, you likely already know about them.
This list focusses on the Mac, rather than iOS (I have another page of, if that’s your thing). Of this list seem to have been useful, but are not aging well.
For one thing, the iPhone was just getting started at that point and much of the Mac ecosystem has changed in sympathy to it since then, as have the needs of a typical Mac user. Apple’s app store has also made finding the software you need much easier, at least for apps listed on it. If you’re looking for a type of software that isn’t listed here, try,,. Often, software listed here can be purchased for far less than the prices listed, through bundles offered periodically by places like. Also, if you have found this page because you are merely thinking about switching to the Mac, make sure you visit the before you buy something. Freeware Freeware may be downloaded and used for no cost at all.
Some of these titles are “donationware”, software that the author makes available for free, but asks for donations to fund his efforts. Since the coming of Apple’s App Store, freeware is getting a bit harder to find. Prior to the store, a software developer needed some sort of e-commerce setup to charge for software, but the App Store has removed this barrier (at least to those who don’t mind giving 30% to Apple). Also, the iOS ecosystem got both developers and consumers used to the idea of the 99¢ or $5 app, which previously was fairly rare in the shareware app world. Adium X Free. An instant messaging client which can talk to just about every service out there (Jabber, Aim, Google Talk, Facebook Chat, Twitter, etc.).
It is also extremely customizable. Alternatives: Apple’s (previously iChat) has evolved to the point that it can give Adium a run for its money, especially if you need phone-based text messaging thrown into the mix. Air Video Server Free. This unobtrusive server allows you to stream video from your Mac to an iOS device on the same network. It supports a number of formats, converting them while streaming if necessary. To watch the video, your iOS device needs a specific client application (a free, limited version, or a $3 full version). Once you use an application like Alfred to launch applications, open files and search, you have a hard time using machines that don’t offer something similar.
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Its description as a “productivity application” doesn’t do much to tell you what it does, which is a bit hard to explain. The basic idea is that you use a hot key combination (option-space, by default) to pop up a window, then type a few characters to do all sorts of stuff. It is best examined by installing it and trying it out.
Alfred has a £15 that extends its functionality, but it is perfectly usable without it. Alternatives: When it looked like Quicksilver was dead, I spent some time looking at. AppleJack Free. You may never actually need AppleJack, but when you do, it will save your ass.
AppleJack is a boot-time, command-line tool that can do things like disk repair and so on, without needing a second startup disk. It’s also much easier to use than similar tools I’ve seen.
It operates in single user mode (which, as I continually forget, is accessed by holding down command and s while booting). Battery Health Free. If you have a laptop, keeping this app running in the background gives you a decent picture of what your battery is up to, and how well it is aging. Bricksmith Donationware. Bricksmith allows you to create virtual instructions for your creations. The app is based on the library, a collection of 3D models of Lego building blocks created by enthusiasts from around the world.