Railworks 2 Addons
Being whether it is TS 2013 or 14 shouldn't really matter. From what I recall, those two addons are from Just Trains. That's no wonder - if you've been flight-simming for 15 years then you'll probably know Just Flight. Here's a few helping tips for installing your Class 20 Advanced and Class 67 Advanced that may or may not work. Sometimes a system verify does the trick. When I verified the game I was happy to discover it had unlocked the Portsmouth Direct Line and US Loco and Asset Pack with the verify.
Picktorrent: railworks 2 add ons - Free Search and Download Torrents at search engine. Download Music, TV Shows, Movies, Anime, Software and more. Repaints and addons for the RW&A Lakeside route. Files RWA, A Few Years Later. Thank You from Railworks Ameri: I want to thank Rick Grout.
Go to Library, then right click TS 2014 and go to Properties. Then go to Local Files tab, and click 'Verify Integrity of Local Files'.
Some third party downloads don't install automatically like Steam stuff. You might have to go to the Package Manager. To get to the Package Manager go into the Railworks folder, then scroll down the list and pick the program 'Utilities'.
Go to the tab 'Package Manager'. Remember this is NOT 'Packager' but 'Package Manager'. Firstly, refresh. Then click 'Install'. This should narrow down results to rwp. Or other such files. If both Class 20 and Class 67 Advanced are rwp files, then click the Class 20 first.
That one should install. Then finally, go back through Install and click the 67 Advanced.
These should both install. These are two points which may help you. If your two buys are still not resolved, then we'll have to look at some other possibilities. Hope I can help.
Originally posted by:oops, i have the requirements for Advanced 20 which includes TS2014 but i see the requirement for the Advance 67 is TS 2013 so i dont have that but the advanced 20 should still be there. If it says you need 2014 does that also pick up 2013 or not. Like i said im new just feeling my way around trying to read as much as i can. Been flight simming 15 years but this is new. I am sorry to say, you have third party addons and these have all the chances of not showing up in the collection menu. The Class 67 you are talking about works perfectly fine with TS2014. I have it myself.
Also, since you are talking about third party products, I believe this thread will be pulled down once Martin or someone else from DTG show up after weekend. Originally posted by:WEll i downloaded both softwares and they seem to have done everything they were supposed to do. I did not see any requirement for 'lines' with either one. Ah ha I see another of the hidden costs of this game.
Have to buy lines, didn't know that. I wonder how many other costly 'surprises' i have yet to discover. But anyway, thanks for your head up i will purchase a line and see what i can find. I remember when i first downloaded them i had to wait a few hours so thats ok. Don't buy any lines unless you want to run the scenarios supplied with these addons. Wow, lots of information. Here is some background.
Yahoo messenger for windows 7. I didn't know how to play this simulator and one day i got an email from Just Trains about the Advanced 20. Failing to notice the TS2014 requirement i bought it.

Then when i had questions JT referred me to steam so i bought steam then i found out i need TS2014 so i bought that and i began to get some trains moving so i bought advance 67 but then noticed neither of the trains were in 'collections' Apparently with TS2014 you get ICE2 which includes US loco & Asset Pack and 3 route lines, Donner pass and 2 european lines. So anyway i started reading and god their must be 1000 things to read. So here i am i suspect my two items, advanced 20 and 67 are both loco's and might not be in trains.
Where should i get addons if not from JT any suggestions? Looks way more expensive than flight sim x but we'll see. Thanks for listening and thanks for your input.
So, because i unknowingly bought what i didn't know was 3rd party software, I'm not to helped then correct. Ok lets try this, i bought 'god forbide' JT's class 20 advanced, not knowing that TS2014 also had such a software. Had i bought the TS you would help but not the JT. So i guess to get help with JT's software i should go to JT's forum, yes? Now, are these 'steam' rules or are these TS2014 rules?
I'm just trying to learn how to play the game not be a smart♥♥♥♥♥ I'd like to enjoy this game but im not enjoying this right now if you can see what i mean. Mixmeister studio 7.4.4 mac crack torent.