Python Monkey Patch Static Method
Class method Vs Static method Python @classmethod means that when this method is called, we pass the class as the first argument instead of the instance of that class ('self'). @classmethod function also callable without instantiating the class, but its definition follows Sub class, not Parent class, via inheritance, can be overridden by subclass. That's because the first argument for @classmethod function must always be cls (class). Also, @classmethod is important when you want to write a factory method and by this custom attribute(s) can be attached in a class.
This attribute(s) can be overridden in the inherited class. @classmethod def some_class_method(cls, *args, **kwds): pass A staticmethod is a method that knows nothing about the class or instance it was called on. @staticmethod means that when this method is called, we don't pass an instance of the class to it. This means that, there is no need to pass implicit argument like self or cls. It is callable without instantiating the class first. It's definition is immutable via inheritance.
Applying the same patch to every test method. If you want several patches in place for multiple test methods the obvious way is to apply the patch decorators to every method. This can feel like unnecessary repetition. For Python 2.6 or more recent you can use:func:`patch` (in all its various forms) as a class decorator. This applies the.
It is basically useless in Python because you can just use a module function instead of a staticmethod. @staticmethod def some_static_method(*args, **kwds): pass.
This is cool stuff:-) I have a couple comments: • In Python 3, _swig_monkey_patch(X, 'foo', _internal_foo) gives TypeError: name is not a string, probably due to some unicode encoding issues. • The Python docs do: Warning It is not safe to use PyDict_SetItem() on or otherwise modify tp_dict with the dictionary C-API. Do you know what to make of that? Also, playing around with this, I ran into some issues that I think are related to caching, and could be resolved by adding after the call to PyDict_SetItem.
• I'm not sure it is worth providing the _swig_monkey_patch method in a.i file for users. Why not just include it in the shadow module by default. Maybe one could add some python documentation to the function, i.e.:%feature('docstring') _swig_monkey_patch ' Monkey-patch a (built-in) `type` by adding a given `object` as an attribute of the given `name`. For example, you can add a method to the built-in `int` as follows: >>> def monkey_see(self): >>> return 'monkey see ' + str(self) + ' bananas' >>> _swig_monkey_patch(int, 'monkey_see', monkey_see) >>> del monkey_see #no longer needed. Could have used a `labmda` as well. >>> m = 99 >>> m.monkey_see() 'monkey see 99 bananas' ' • I think this approach is limited with regards to some special member functions of built-ins.
For instance, patching __init__ has no effect, since, as far as I understand, the tp_init function is called for built-ins instead. The same holds for other functions assigned to slots (?), such as __getitem__, __repr__ etc. Is it currently possible to customize the __init__ function for non-builtin classes, or to add attributes to a class? Monkey-patching __init__ does work for non-builtin classes, but unfortunately not for built-in classes.
• I find the proposed function naming confusing. Using _internal_xxx for the renamed original function in the%feature('shadow') context makes sense. But then the newly created method should not also be called _internal_. (currently, your%feature('shadow') gives Sums.add, Sums._internal_add and _internal_Sums_add, which is a little confusing).

Better, call the new function _external_Sums_add or _temporary_Sums_add or whatever. Also, after monkey patching, you can delete the function again ( del _internal_Sums_add). It doesn't make any sense outside the class anyway. • It should be easily possible to handle%feature('pythonprepend') and%feature('pythonappend') in the same way as%feature('shadow'). • Is your original example, having%pythoncode within%extend documented anywhere? Perhaps a new macro%pythonextend(class, methodname, arguments) that adds a python method to a class could be useful.
However, these allegation were denied by the singer,, claiming that the two songs only shared acoustic guitar, bass and tempo, and nonsensical insinuations had come up. According to the plot of the film, the song needed tautness that is exemplified by the tensed violins. He added that the song highlights traditional beats but has an edge to it. The song 'Saans' was titled 'The Breathe of Love' by Khan when it opened as video promotion on the day of music launch. Jiya re song download. Rahman said that, initially, the patch version of the song was composed with dummy lyrics.
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