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Long story short: I updated the rough list up to this date () and like to elaborate my future plans and how I intend to refine the list here (it's always better to write ones ideas and plans down than just thinking about them) as well as asking for suggestions. So you really do not have to read any more of this, just click the big link or download the.rar for the List which you came here for. Unless ofc you actually came for my own little Mod because you love the Military One Piece as much as I do, then, well, it's at the bottom of this post. Long story long (and subject to major changes btw if I am not lazy which I actually am): The time has come where I can now formally publish my comprehensive English List of CM3D2 Mods with (some) confidence. I still would like to polish it much much more and make more self-made samples but currently yet another awesome game, after Tales of Zestiria and The Binding of Isaac Rebirth: Afterbirth (which I still play periodically) awaits, namely Fallout 4 (and yeah, even just more Fallout 3 is what I'd be more than fine with), for which my new hardware should arrive in a few hours.

With that new hardware I will also be able again to play CM3D2 after nearly a month, it overheated my GPU quite quickly, BSoDing my system without actual BSoD as result. Currently the current List is available online as Google Spreadsheet and is currently being worked on: All one but me can do atm is view it, I can at least ensure that any viewer, logged into a google account or not, remains anonymous (as some or some other animal). I also attached a current version as.xlsx (for Excel) and.ods (for, er, other potentially pretty free programs. I personally used Open Office for the List before copying it to the current Sheet) in a.rar. To begin with, the rough list literary means that I did probably not install many other mods of which I did not make a sample of. The information and description on the Mods and Plugins is what I could put together from the samples, (Japanese) names and the descriptions of the Mods. So if a Mod does not contain a sample, not a good one or a non-descriptive name, title and description then my list might also lack some much info.
The columns are also rough drafts and ideas, containing info which might be very useful, indeed is but could be even better. Literary 95% are Custom(ization) which are for now mostly split into Body and Clothes as well as M(ale) Body and Char(acters), I already think that this could be better. Plugins also need much more love for since they can affect the experience significantly and obviously positively. Additionally I already try to link mods to their respective creators if those are found on or but I am afraid that I might have missed many, especially small creators. Apart from simply refining the above, I, as mentioned already, intend to make my own samples for these mods which can be viewed online instantly. Because I could not find a totally reliable image hosting service I simply made my own NSFW blog which I may really release at a later date (You really won't have to worry about me making any money of this through sneaky advertisements. Only the images themselves are linked in the list).