Mod_evasive Apache 2.2
% tar -zxvf httpd-2.2.0.tar.gz Change to the new /var/tmp/httpd-2.2.0 directory and type the following command to configure the Apache Web Server. Refer to the INSTALL file for more information. Jul 04, 2013 Do you remove mod_evasive? I am currently running apache 2.2.23 and CSF and mod_evasive. I am thinking that I might not really need mod_evasive, maybe it is enough with CSF?, 02:32 AM #2. View Profile View Forum Posts Verified User Join Date Jul 2013 Posts 15. Anyone has found the solution?, 02.
This is Complete Apache tutorials for beginners. In this tutorial, you will learn- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Install and Download Apache What is Apache?
Apache is a remarkable piece of application software. It is the most widely used Web Server application in the world with more than 50% share in the commercial web server market.
Apache is the most widely used Web Server application in Unix-like operating systems but can be used on almost all platforms such as Windows, OS X, OS/2, etc. The word, Apache, has been taken from the name of the Native American tribe ‘ Apache’, famous for its skills in warfare and strategy making.
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It is a modular, process-based web server application that creates a new thread with each simultaneous connection. It supports a number of features; many of them are compiled as separate modules and extend its core functionality, and can provide everything from server side programming language support to authentication mechanism. Virtual hosting is one such feature that allows a single Apache Web Server to serve a number of different websites. How to install Apache There are numerous ways of installing the package or application. There are enlisted below - • One of the features of this open source web application is that anyone can make installer as per their own environment.
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This has allowed various vendors like Debian, Red Hat, FreeBSD, Suse etc. To customize the file location and configuration of apache taking into account other installed applications and base OS.
• Apart from installing it from a vendor based installer, there is always the option of building and installing it from the source code. Installing Apache from source file is a platform independent & works for all OS. The apache web server is a modular application where the administrator can choose the required functionality and install different modules as per his/her requirement. All modules can be compiled as a Dynamic Shared Objects (DSO is an object file that could be shared by multiple apps while they are executing) that exists separately from the main apache file.
The DSO approach is highly recommended, it makes the task of adding/removing/updating modules from the servers configuration very simple. Install Apache:Linux Platform On Red Hat or rpm based systems If you are using an rpm (RedHat Package Manager is a utility for installing application on Linux systems) based Linux distribution i.e. Red Hat, Fedora, CentOs, Suse, you can install this application by either vendor specific Package Manager or directly building the rpm file from the available source tarball. You can install Apache via the default Package Manager available on all Red Hat based distributions like CentOs, Red Hat and Fedora. [root@amsterdam ~]# yum install httpd The apache source tarball could be converted into an rpm file using the following command. [root@amsterdam ~]# rpmbuild -tb httpd-2.4.x.tar.bz2 It is mandatory to have -devel package installed on your server for creating.rpm file from source.
Once you convert the source file into an rpm installer, you could use the following command to install Apache. In the above diagram two websites and were assigned different IPs and are using IP-based virtual hosting. Listen ServerAdmin This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. DocumentRoot /var/www/html/ ServerName ServerAdmin This email address is being protected from spambots.

You need JavaScript enabled to view it. DocumentRoot /var/www/html/ ServerName How to Run PHP/Ruby with Apache? What Apache needs to Run Php File? Running Php files on Apache needs mod_php enabled on your server.
It allows Apache to interpret.Php files. It has Php handlers that interpret the Php code in apache and send HTML to your web server. If mod_php is enabled on your server, you will have a file named php.conf in /etc/httpd/conf.d/ directory. You can also check it with: httpd -M grep 'php5_module' The output will be similar to: Php handlers in Apache • mod_php • CGI • FastCGI • suPHP mod_phpis the oldest PHP handler, it makes PHP part of apache and does not call any external PHP process. This module is installed by default in every Linux distribution repository, so enabling/disabling this module is very easy.