Marine Engine Room Simulator Software
Any combination of ERS 4000 Network and Full Mission workstations 3D Virtual Reality Engine room area for familiarisation with the machinery set and its appearance. System mnemonic diagrams and local control places. M1 carbine ammo pouch install. Familiarisation with engine room sounds. Instructor's Workplace Instructor's software is running on a computer with two monitors. The first for instructor's control program and the second is replica of the selected trainee’s monitor (Slave monitor).
If you have the appropriate software installed, you can download article citation data to the citation manager of your choice. Simply select your manager software from the list below and click on download. Training Simulator Design for a Marine Engine Room at Different Levels of Fidelity Show all authors, Yuan-Liang Su 1. Yuan-Liang Su.
Trainee Workplace ERS 4000 enables trainee operation with the following modules: Main engine and ancillary subsystems •. Propulsion control system. • Sea water cooling system.
• Lubrication oil system. • Fuel oil transfer system. • Fuel oil and lubrication oil separators. • Fuel oil supply system. • Compressed air system.
• Exhaust gas and turbocharger system. • Main engine local control post. • Controllable Pitch Propeller, reduction gear, clutch and stern tube. • Combustion process in the cylinders (‘Cylinder diagram’). Ship electrical power plant • Diesel generator #1.
• Diesel generator #2. • Shaft generator. • Turbo generator.
• Shore supply. • Emergency generator.
• Main switchboard. • Emergency switchboard. • Consumers, feeders, earth monitoring etc. Auxiliary system • Steam plant.
• Boiler fuel system. • Steam turbine. • Steering gear. • Bilge water system. • Water desalination plant. • Fire alarm station.

• Fire main system. • Fire CO2 system. • Provision cooling system (refrigeration plant). Air conditioning system. Safety and Alarm system The Safety and Alarm System of ERS 4000 features the following: • alarm station with alarm indicators; • sound and light notification of new alarm; • acknowledge function; • group alarm panel; • alarm log printer emulation; • safety system with main engine slowdown and shutdown; • emergency control. Product Certificates: - Call for more info and prices VAT not included Companies related to marine electronics contact for discounts Availability due to order.
The Medium Speed Engine Room Simulator MED3D has been based on typical solutions, being presently used in medium-sized engine rooms (one four-stroke type main engines with reduction gear and controllable pitch propeller). The simulator introduces 3D model of the Engine Room, based on the real equipment. In order to create the impression of working in the real environment, it provides 3D sound which can be listened on 2, 4 or more speakers. This simulator is designated for training students of maritime academies as well as for different types of marine vocational training centres.
The simulator has universal features and may be used both for training merchant and navy fleet crew.