Leisure Suit Larry Code Patch
Leisure Suit Larry creator Al Lowe put a number of interesting artifacts from his Sierra days up for auction a couple of weeks ago, including the source code for the original Leisure Suit Larry on.

Ouvrir un keygen exe file. Hey, I used to have this problem, what happens is the game runs out of memory. Open the resource.cfg file in the larry directory and there should be an entry for 'AudioSize = xx' or something similar.

What you need to do is change the xx value DOWN by 5 untill it works, so if its at 20k then change it to 15k save play the game and see if it works, Repeat till it works. You can also goto the in game options and turn volume to the lowest and detail to the lowest. That should get you past that point then afterwards return all settings back to what they were. Hope that helps!