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As I noted earlier, now that are free for individual use, I decided to try them out and see what worked better for me, a standalone reader or web application (specifically Google Reader). 3.0 did not work – while the idea of reading feeds in a mail client was promising, certain limitations of Outlook made it far less useful than Google Reader (first and foremost was Outlook’s inability to show how many items exist in a subfolder if the folder list is not expanded). Has been a far better experience, and in limited use I find it superior to Google Reader, at least for now. I’ve been using the new NewsGator Inbox 3.0 RSS reader for Outlook for a few days, and had high hopes for the product, which is now free. Reading posts within Outlook seems a natural extension of the email client, and it sync nicely with NewsGator Online.
Unfortunately, two show-stoppers have led me to uninstall the software, neither of which are really NewsGator’s fault. First, the server here runs through a filtering appliance, and NewsGator throws an error when updating unless I first go to NewsGator Online, invoking the filter. I thus end up having both the web version and Outlook product open, defeating the purpose. This won’t be a problem for many, but is a problem for me.

Second, because NG Inbox uses Outlook, it suffers from Outlook’s infirmities. Specifically, if there are new messages in an Outlook subfolder, Outlook won’t show them in the parent folder when the Folder List is collapsed. That’s a complicated way of saying that I can’t tell when there are new posts in a subfolder unless I keep the folder list expanded all the time. Made in india alisha chinai video song download. That’s not NewsGator’s fault – the same behavior holds true for email folders and email messages. Unfortunately, it makes managing feeds difficult the way I prefer to use a reader. I’ve downloaded NewsGator’s stand-alone client, FeedDemon, and will give that a spin before going back to Google Reader. NewsGator has released a new beta of version 3 of their now-free, which lets you read feeds in Outlook, just like any other email message.
It has some useful features compared to my usual reader, the web-based. Grab a copy and install – it’s very straightforward, but here it is in pictures (click for bigger): Installation was straightforward, but some issues came up right away. The OPML import from Google Reader didn’t work properly for me, and it imported only the first feed in the list. This is probably an incompatability with the XML file Google creates, but we can work around it. An additional try with the XML file didn’t work any better for me, but NewsGator Online did.
Login to, and click on Add Feeds. From here, click Import, and you’ll be able to upload the same XML file you used before: Success! The Google feeds now appear in NewsGator Online, and because Inbox 3.0 syncs with NG Online, they’ll show up in Outlook. To get there, however, you’ll need to update the subscriptions. Clicking Refresh on the NewsPage (what you’ll get by clicking My News in Outlook’s Folder List) seemed to have no effect, but the toolbar button did (it’s the arrow next to the NewsGator Inbox dropdown). Now you can read your RSS feeds in Outlook. I’ve only been using it for a half a day, but a couple of features seem quite useful.