Jay Z Kanye West Night In Paris Audio
Mix - Jay Z & Kanye West -Niggas In ParisYouTube Jay-Z & Kanye West - Ni**as In Paris (Explicit. Kanye West - Niggas In Paris. Roc Nation x GOOD Music. Yeezy And Hov.

44.1 kHz / 24-bit PCM – S. Carter Enterprises Studio Masters Executive producers: Kanye West, Shawn Carter Creative director: Riccardo Tisci Art director: Virgil Abloh Artwork by Riccardo Tisci © Givenchy Executive producers: Gee Roberson and Kyambo “Hip Hop” Joshua For Hip Hop Since 1978 A&R: Don Crawley “Don C.'
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Abou “Bu” Thiam Lenny S. A&R administration: Terese Joseph Mastered by Mike Dean at (The Mercer) Hotel New York Management for Kanye West Hip Hop Since 1978 Management for Jay-Z John Meneilly for Roc Nation Legal counsel for Kanye West Donald Passman for Gang, Tyre, Ramer and Brown, Inc. Legal counsel for Jay-Z Jennifer Justice for S. Carter Enterprises Cover artwork rendering by Joe Zeff Design.

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