Good Sims 2 Skintones

WCIF Patterned or split skintones? Not sure if these are possible, but I thought I would ask.
Where can I download good Sims 2 skin tones? Besides TheSimsResource and ModSims. The more realistic, the better. Sims 2 Realistic Birth-Better Quality. Sims 2 Realistic Birth - Duration. To compliment your newly attractive Sims read our popular realistic core game modifications and scripts. Each of these Sims 3 skins come in default and non. What is the best sims 2 custom skintone? If you use custom skins for sims2, what is your favourite (most detailed and realistic, possibly edited to show fat, muscular changes etc) and where did you get it from? Good Custom Content sites for sims 2 skintones? Sims 2 skintones? Can I have some sims 2 custom content websites.
Is there any CC that allows a pattern to be a skin tone? I was looking for something like white marble in particular. Also, I see a lot of split hair (as in, one color on the right and one color on the left). Dar pe sudama garib aa gaya. Is there anything that does that for skintones (so the left half and the right half are different colors, like a light side/dark side thing)?

I`ve seen some glitches in Sims 4 that do this, but is there any way to purposely get it? Trying to recreate a character.