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CALGARY -- A potential Calgary bid for the 2026 Olympic and Paralympic Games survived a city council vote Wednesday, when a motion leading to the cancellation of an upcoming plebiscite did not pass. Ten votes out of 15 on council were required to abandon the Nov. 13 plebiscite asking Calgarians if they want to host the games or not.
Eight voted in favour of a motion that would have led to abandoning the plebiscite and scrubbing a bid. Calgary mayor Naheed Nenshi was among those who wanted the plebiscite to go ahead. 'It was a very close vote,' the mayor said. 'Over the next few days I will be trying to explain this deal to people, but I'm now at the point where I can actually say to people 'this is a great deal we've negotiated' and I'm encouraging people to vote yes.' ' The plebiscite's result is non-binding, but will influence the next council vote on a Winter Games bid.
Mail-in ballots for the plebiscite were mailed out earlier in the week. Advance voting is scheduled for next Tuesday and Wednesday.
'This is a great opportunity for Calgarians,' Calgary 2026 chief executive officer Mary Moran said. 'Now it's important for them to get informed and understand this is a good deal. 'This is $4.4 billion of investment coming into our community that should be taken very seriously.' It appeared a bid was headed for the ditch Tuesday when a councillor said there wasn't a financial agreement between the federal and provincial governments and the city to fund the games. But Calgary 2026 presented a revised financial plan, which the Canadian and Alberta governments agreed to in principle, to council Wednesday. The estimated cost of hosting the 2026 Games was reduced by $125 million to a total of $5.075 billion. A pro-Olympic rally drew dozens of red-clad supporters to the steps of city hall before council met.
Those who didn't make it into chambers sat in chairs and watched proceedings on a screen outside the doors. But a Canadian Taxpayers Federation representative was dismayed a bid wasn't abandoned Wednesday. Program vag-com w wersji 303-1. 'The CTF will be continuing to educate the public on why the Olympic bid is just not a good choice for Calgarians,' said Alberta director Franco Terrazzano. 'Unfortunately today city council did not end the bid. This is a smoke-and-mirror show right now.