Cutler Hammer Digitrip 520 Manual
Cutler Hammer Magnum DS MDS-620 Circuit Breaker MDS6203WEA2052NMNNNENNNAX 2000 amp Magnum DS MDS-620 Digitrip 520 5LSI 5720B33G15 (2000 amp rating plug) Manually Operated Bolt-In 600 volt 3 Pole. Does not come with rack-in cradle. We can search and price one up if needed.

17555D INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLATION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE CUTLER-HAMMER DIGITRIP 3000 SERIES OF PROTECTIVE RELAYS Effective July 2002 Supersedes I.B. 17555C dated November 1999. • Effective July 2002 Supersedes I.B.
Full house season 6. 17555C dated November 1999. • Effective July 2002 Supersedes I.B. 17555C dated November 1999.
• 6-2 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE (TABLE 6.1)..34 6-3 REPLACEMENT..34 SECTION 7: TIME-CURRENT CURVES..37 7-1 DIGITRIP 3000 INVERSE TIME OVERCURRENT CURVES..37 7-2 DIGITRIP 3000 CURVE EQUATIONS..61 APPENDIX A...62 A1.0 INTRODUCTION..62 For more information visit: Supersedes I.B. 17555C dated November 1999. • B6.1 SENSITIVITY AND CT RATIOS..73 B6.2 TRIPPING ON FACILITY ENERGIZATION..73 B6.3 CT SATURATION..73 B6.4 BURDEN DATA..75 B7.0 TESTING THE DUAL-SOURCE POWER SUPPLY..75 B7.1 IN-SERVICE TEST..75 B7.2 LAB BENCH TEST..75 For more information visit: Supersedes I.B. 17555C dated November 1999. • HR PS = High Range 120-240Vac / 48-250Vdc Power Supply IC = Inner Chassis PM = Panel Mount DO = Draw Out FW = Firmware OC = Outer Chassis Notes: For more information visit: Supersedes I.B.
17555C dated November 1999. • ANSI and IEC applications (Figures 1-1 and 1-2). It is a self-contained device that operates from either ac or dc control power (the DT3030 & DT3031 operate For more information visit: Supersedes I.B. 17555C dated November 1999. • Direct reading displays indicate the value currently being discriminator can be disabled.
Considered, while multi-colored LED’s indicate operational conditions and specific functions. 1-2 Digitrip 3000 Protective Relay (Rear and Side Views) For more information visit: Supersedes I.B. 17555C dated November 1999.
• This type of information is referred to • ANSI Curves (3 shapes per ANSI C37.112) as “COMMUNICATED INFORMATION”. - Moderately Inverse Fig. 1-4 Digitrip 3000 Curve Shape Possibilities For more information visit: Supersedes I.B. 17555C dated November 1999. • Example: ANSI and lEC curves using I Execution of circuit breaker “Close” and “Trip” commands Ct Rating = 1200A “Reset” of the relay after a trip = Pickup Current = 1800A Downloading of settings For more information visit: Supersedes I.B. 17555C dated November 1999.
• 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, 5.0 For more information visit: Supersedes I.B. 17555C dated November 1999. • 0.100, 0.125, 0.150, 0.175, 0.200, 0.225, 0.250, 0.275, 0.300, + 5% 0.350, 0.400, 0.450, 0.500, 0.550, 0.600, 0.650, 0.700, 0.750, 0.800, 0.850, 0.900, 0.950, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, NONE For more information visit: Supersedes I.B. 17555C dated November 1999. • Curve # Available Settings 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25, 0.30, 0.35, 0.40, 0.45, 0.50, 0.55, 0.60, + 0.05 seconds SC-5403-92B 0.65, 0.70, 0.75, 0.80, 0.85, 0.90, 0.95, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50 For more information visit: Supersedes I.B. 17555C dated November 1999.
• (Program with Breaker Open Only) (Standard Relay Configuration – OC/Instantaneous) (Enable Remote Open/Close) (Communications Close) (Zone Interlocking Unlatched) (52b Breaker Input Mode) (Disable Download Set Points) (Manual Reset) Reserved For more information visit: Supersedes I.B. 17555C dated November 1999. • “Communications Close” command. Alarm also closes the Communications Close Relay Communications is accomplished from the relay to the master computer via a 115.2 kHz frequency carrier signal For more information visit: Supersedes I.B. 17555C dated November 1999.