Customsettings.ini Computername Serial Number
Apr 12, 2013 - Where MDT will find the%SerialNumber% value? Using multiple variables within the Customsettings.ini file (or the rules tab via the GUI), we.
During the installation we used to prompt for the computer’s name, this was completed by the technician. To reduce the possibility of human error we decided to generate the computer’s name automatically. Jay sean stay. There are different ways to achieve this, we decided to do it like this: Asset-numbers are assigned to the PC’s by our stock-manager and are then scanned/imported in our asset management DB.
From this DB we import the assettag and serial number to the MDT dB. Our computer’s names are composed like this: -PCTYPE-ASSETNUMBER There are just pctypes: – Laptop’s = LT – Desktop’s = DT The assetnumber is composed out of 8 digits – the first 4 digits start from 0000 to 9999 – the last 4 digit are the year the PC was bought: 2011, 2012, etc Thus the first installed pc of the year has: 00012011 as asset tag. A computers name will look like this: LT00012011 or DT00022011 Our custom settings.ini is configured to use the MDT DB, and our deployments are realized through MDT integration in SCCM 2007 R3. In the OSD MDT task sequence the gather (ZTIgather.wsf) step collects a number of variables. The variables we are going to use are: –%Islaptop% –%IsDesktop% –%assettag% The first 2 are collected by the gather.wsf script the last one is retrieved from the MDT db.
With a heritage of Microsoft expertise, risual, Microsoft Partner of the Year 2015 and PSNS Finalist of the Year 2016, helps businesses to achieve their full potential by driving digital transformation, enabling them to drive further and continued value and success. Investment in our people ensures our UK-based, full time, security cleared teams are experts in all Microsoft technology providing solutions from business case and justification, through implementation, and ongoing world-class managed service. From thought leadership to community activity we are engaged in driving success for our customers across all sectors. • • • • • RISUAL EDUCATION. There was a requirement at a customer site recently to base new build machine names on the serial number of the device. It was also necessary to further distinguish between laptop and desktop platforms by using a “LT” or “WS” prefix before the serial number to fully identify the device.

Using SCCM 2012 SP1 with MDT 2012 integration this was easily achieved using the MDT task sequence variables. Within the SCCM task sequence, after the Gather step, the serialnumber, IsLaptop and IsDesktop variables are populated and available.