Crystal Report Microsoft Access Open Session
Now when I try to open the d/b in Crystal, a dialog box headed 'Microsoft Access Open Session' is displayed, requesting a user name and password. There is no security enabled on the database.
The import wizard converts reports to the closest possible ActiveReports format, but due to differences between products and versions, the extent to which your reports are converted depends on your specific report layout. You may have to partially redesign the report and add script or code to get the same output as Microsoft Access Reports or Crystal Reports. When converting to Page Reports, whether a report is imported as a Fixed Page Layout () or Continuous Page Layout (), depends on the following factors: • If a report has a single detail section it is imported as a Fixed Page Layout. • If a report has a SubReport control it is imported as a Continuous Page Layout.
• If a report has a Matrix control and its layout is composed of multiple sections it is imported as a Continuous Page Layout. Note: Sections in a report appear as BandedList. Please refer to the additional information below, to understand the conversion process in detail. Converting Crystal Reports To convert Crystal Reports into ActiveReports format, you need to install Visual Studio and Crystal Reports for Visual Studio on your machine.
The supported versions of Visual Studio and corresponding Crystal Reports are as follows: Visual Studio Editions Crystal Reports Assembly Version 2008 Professional, Team System Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2008 10.5.3700.0 2010. SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio 13.x.x.x 2012. SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio 13.x.x.x 2013. SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio 13.x.x.x Crystal Report controls are converted in ActiveReports as follows: Crystal Report Section Report Page Report Note Box Shape Container The LineWidth property and rounded boxes are not imported.
If the Box control extends to multiple sections, the box is imported as line controls. CrossTab SubReport BandedList CrossTab control is not imported as it is. Line Line Line The size of Dot and Dash (the LineStyle property) is not the same as the original report. Subreport SubReport Subreport Set the subreport in code after conversion. TextObject Label Textbox Only page number, total page, page n of m in Special Fields are imported. FieldObject TextBox Textbox Only page number, total page, page n of m in Special Fields are imported. Container Picture object is not converted.

Converting Microsoft Access Reports To convert Microsoft® Access® reports into ActiveReports format, you must have Access 97, 2000, 2002, 2003 or 2007 installed on your system. Microsoft Access report controls are converted in ActiveReports as follows: Microsoft Access Report Section Report Page Report Note Rectangle Shape Container Controls placed inside the Rectangle control are also imported along with the parent control. CheckBox Label Textbox. Image Image control is not converted while converting to a Section Report.
Label Label Textbox. Textbox TextBox Textbox.
Line Line Line. Page Break PageBreak Container In Page Reports, the PageBreakAtEnd property is automatically set to True on importing a Page Break control. Subform/Subreport SubReport Subreport.
Limitations in Crystal Report/MS Access conversion • Any controls, functions, and text formats which are not supported by ActiveReports are not converted. • The shadow property of a control is not imported while converting a report.
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• The OLE object is not in Crystal Reports is not imported as it is treated as PictureObject in the object structure. • In Microsoft Access reports, VBA code appears in as commented statements in script. You have to modify the code after importing.
Hello Experts, I am VERY new to Crystal reports and I am am having a Major problem running a VERY simple report. First off I am using Visual Basic 2008 to create a Crystal Reports Application. I am using the Report Wizard to create and the Northwind database as my database or OLE DB(ADO). The provider I am using is the'Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider'. I am NOT entering a User ID or Password in the wizard and the Access file is NOT protected. Everything seems to work fine and I can see the report in the 'Main Report Preview' but when I start Debugging to see the report in the form it prompts for a User ID and Password. If i type nothing and just hit finish it says 'Logon Failed' If i hit cancel no report is generated.