Carbon Based Lifeforms Twentythree Rar
Candy cnl 145 manual 2017. Nov 17, 2011 - 'Sharply more ambient Twentythree remains not less sharply remarkable'. I read on Internet that Carbon Based Lifeforms was unpredictable. View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 2018 CD release of Twentythree on Discogs.
In premiera, un album cu adevarat deosebit in lumea triphopului. Noul proiect de la KK nu se rezuma doar la muzica, ci si la un, albumul reprezentand un soundtrack pntru el. E o noua interpretare a comunicarii dintre artist si ascultator si o oportunitate de a cunoaste lumea autorului prin propria lui prizma. La moment pot sa prezint doar albumul, insa cu prima aparite a cartii in format electronic o voi uploada aici. Kid Koala - Space Cadet (2011) UK Ninjatune IDM, Trip Hop 2011 320kbps 31:56 min download. DJ Shadow figura emblematica a hip-hop-ului instrumental, turntablist genial, compozitor si producator al celui mai de succes album Unkle ( Psyence Fiction), dupa mai multe mini-releasuri apare pe scena triphop cu un album nou. In 2010 prestarea live si discutia scurta pe care am avut-o cu el dupa concert m-a impresionat nu mai putin decat muzica pe care o cunosteam pana atunci.
Un artist foarte talentat, carismatic si pozitiv. DJ Shadow - The Less You Know, The Better (2011) Trip Hop, Abstract Hip-Hop, Turntablism 2011 V0 75:37 min download.
'Simply said wearing rose tinted glasses, turns a blind eye to the world and puts one into a happy mood! This is the third album by Lounge project JoJo Effect 'marble tunes' it is happy and full of life that inevitably sets you into a good mood. Soft Latin rhythms, jolly Electric Swing, sumptuous lush chill-out beats and groovy NuJazz provides you for a sunny holiday atmosphere. The stress disappears and you see yourself sitting in a convertible, elbows relaxed, fingers on the steering wheel driving towards the sun.
Roll Sixteen colorful Marbles swinging through time and space, from living room to a Swing Palace, that dramatic silent film, that relaxed sunset scenario in Technicolor, from easy going to hanging out in extreme relaxation. Put your hands up In the air JoJo Effect is 'marble tunes' full of passion pure in its mission: to conjure up a broad grin on the faces of their listeners. In addition to the dynamic music, there are the exceptional singers being Soul Sister Bajka, Power-Singer Brenda Boykin, Jazz Crooner Iain Mackenzie and of course Anne Schnell, the vocal heart of JoJo Efect. 'Marble tunes' is a musical spa package, which can recommend any good doctors and pharmacists to safely brighten any ones mood.'

(c) Jojo Effect - Marble Tunes(2011) Nu-Jazz, Chillout, Downtempo ChinChin Records 2011 320 kbps 67:12 min. Dupa minunatele 3 volume de, labelul ne bucura cu o compilatie spectaculoasa in care cu placere am surprins pe Gelka, Guts, Bonobo, Nightmares on Wax si alti creatori de sunete downtempo. Imi intind corpul, lasandu-l sa para o panza de corabie. Lenesa si nepasatoare. Insa care cu placere urmareste de sus luciul apei si corabiile plictisite. Sunetul din boxe suprima sistemele de racire si orice alte generatoare de zgomot de oficiu.
Briza oceanica a acoperit tot biroul cu nisip alb si curat, iar soarele e pe care sa apuna. E vineri si sutnem gata de tripul in Ibiza. Trip in stilul Wax da Beach:) 'Mixed by Nightmares on Wax.
Leeds born DJ E.A.S.E aka George Evelyn aka Nightmares on Wax has out together a compilation fuelled solely by the soothing slow jam sounds of Wax da Beach. The Wax da Beach parties started when George moved to Ibiza and discovered a gap within the alternative dance scene, a need for something else – that something else was Wax da Beach. Each track on the two disk compilation was carefully chosen, embodying the very essence of Ibiza's weekly Wax da Beach party.'
VA - Nightmares on Wax Presents Wax da Beach (2011) Trip-Hop, Downtempo Ministry of Sound 320 kbps 131:55 min. Album diferit de celelalte releasuri create de CBL. Pure ambient. Cu mai putine ritmuri tripante, cu un ton melancolic, imbibat cu 'tristete cosmica', insa la fel de interesant si fermecator. 'This is the densest that Gothenburg's Carbon Based Lifeforms have ever sounded.
Their previous output all the way back to the Notch incarnation traded on electronic sound with a very definite pulse, whether it was beats, underlying melody or sequences. TWENTY THREE is not so much a primal u-turn but an insular indulgence in layers of ambient sound that have previously been at the base of Carbon Based Lifeforms creations, not as a sonic shroud around them. The title, TWENTYTHREE, is suggestive of everything from a numerologist’s wet dream to some in-joke or other. With this album, it no doubt refers to the width of the binary message sent out to some hopeful star cluster by the Arecibo Telescope in 1974. Unsurprisingly, the first track is entitled ARECIBO and it emulates a kind of meandering strobe of condensed sparsity and not the signals and waveforms you might expect ( This was the approach taken by Arecibo aka Lustmord on the ambient classic TRANS PLUTONIAN TRANSMISSIONS in 1994 ). Here, the hypothetical sound of the environment the signal passes through ( and not the signal itself ) is the subject.