Arduino Usb Host Shield Serial
Hello I need your help as soon as possible. I have a Arduino Mega board and a USB host shield (like this: I need send some information from PC using Serial communication to Arduino mega by its programing port, and send this information by the USB host shield using Serial communication too.
It must run like a bridge, I send information from pc this information passes through the board and it is sent through the USB host shield. PC=======>Arduino MEGA====>USB HOST SHIELD=====>OTHER MACHINE All using serial communication. It seems easy, but I couldn't find someone who tell me how I could do it. I need some example code or something. It is very important because I need do it for a work. Sorry for my English.Thanks in advanced. I think that you don't understand the situation well because my english is not good enough.
2017-11-22 Revision 2.0 of USB Host Library for Arduino (GitHub) - USB Host Library v2.0 動作確認は USB. USB Host Shield Library 2.0 のインストールフォルダへ移動 その中にある.
I need to send information from pc using serial communication to my Arduino Mega 2560 ( I do that using its programing port ), this information in only some conditions must be send to other machine. In this case an 3D printer. But I can't change the programming of this printer, this thing is imperative for me, it must be a closed system, I just can send the information that I want to the printer by its USB port. As the Arduino Mega don't have a female USB port, I bought an USB host shield, maybe it is not the best way, but I asked a lot and everyone told me that this was the solution. I now I need to solve that. The conditions are already programed.
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But in the part 'else' I need that the information is sent to the 3D printer. I use this USB host shield (My problem is that I don't know how specify, when I send the information by Serial, that I want to sent this information by the USB host shield not by the programing port back to the PC.
There is a huge variety of shields that are available which can be stacked on top of an Arduino. Often there are more than one manufacturer for a single type of shield itself. In a way this is good, because as a user you are going to have multiple options. But it becomes a problem when the shield is pretty complex (like the USB Host Shield) and you have to use a library and the shields are not compatible with each other. One such shield which has many incompatible versions is USB Host Shield and in this post I am going to tell you how you can select the proper shield and also the changes that you have to do to make even the incompatible shields work with the library.
What is an USB Host Shield? Before we start, let’s first understand what is an USB Host Shield. It is a shield which provides USB Host support for Arduino.
So, what is USB Host support? The USB protocol defines two types of devices. One is called the host (or server) and the other one is called peripheral (client).
The Host device controls the peripheral device and also provides power to it. When you connect any USB device like a mouse or a keyboard to your computer, your computer acts as the host and controls (or polls) the client device (keyboard or mouse or even an Arduino). For a successful communication to happen using USB protocol, you need at least one of the device to be the host, which means that you cannot connect two keyboards together and expect them to communicate with each other. The USB Host shield has a separate chip (usually Max3421E), which provides USB Host support. Once you have this shield, your Arduino board can act as USB Host and you can connect other USB devices like keyboard, mouse or even an Android phone and communicate with the device from Arduino itself. What you can build using USB Host Shield USB Host shield can be used to interface any USB device to Arduino.
The following are examples which I have built using the shield. • Make Android phone interact with Arduino using Android Open Accessory protocol.
• Interface a. • Interface a.
Available Hardware Options The following are the various versions of USB Host Shields from different manufacturers. • USB Host Shield from • Old Sparkfun shield () • New Sparkfun shield () Available Software Libraries The following are the two libraries that are available for USB Host Shield. Both of them are from Oleg of Circuits @ Home. • USB Host Library • USB Host Library Out of these two, the v1.0 of the library is kind of deprecated.

Use it only if you really need to or have to use some other library that depends on it, otherwise use only v2.0. Selecting the right shield If you have not bought the shield yet, then just go ahead and buy the shield from Circuits @ Home and use v2.0 of the library. The library works out of the box and you don’t need to modify anything. But if you have already bought the shield from Sparkfun, especially the old (like me) then read the next section to find out the changes that you have to do to the library to make it work with the shield.