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Hostel: Part 2 The Hostel trilogy boasts a wide array of upsetting death scenes, but there's something bleakly fascinating about the blood-bathed 'Bathory' sequence from Hostel: Part II that really gets under my skin. For what feels like forever, we watch a member of the twisted murder club slit a young woman's throat and then bathe in the blood flow. As sick as it gets. I still contend that there's a lot more to the Hostel movies than just the gore, but if it's 'just the gore' you're after, then this freaky scene fits the bill. Alligator On one hand, this movie is a very simple horror story about a very large alligator that terrorizes Chicago. On the other, it's a surprisingly clever Jaws homage/parody that offers some very cool gator FX.
Nothing in this film scares me as much as the scene involving a few young boys, a dark swimming pool, and a very hungry alligator. Even with the raging jaws obscured by sloshing water, it's still gasp-worthy. I'm not ashamed to admit that this scene gave me nightmares for weeks when I was a kid.
Deadly Friend Most of the kills on this list are shocking, gruesome, or particularly impressive in a special effects sense. This one is just nutty. It's not every day you see an evil robotic teenage girl throw a basketball so hard that it blows somebody's head off, but that's precisely what Wes Craven came up with here.
With hindsight it seems pretty obvious that this murder scene is being played for laughs, but it sure doesn't play that way as it happens. The result is a sequence that's as unexpected as it is irretrievably wacky. Psycho Is the shower scene too obvious a choice to be included on this list? That scene is so iconic, so influential, and so damn creepy (yes, still) that I'd kick myself forever if I didn't put it on the list.
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His last words before his death revealed the location of the greatest treasure in the world, One Piece. It was this revelation that brought about the Grand Age of Pirates, men who dreamed of finding One Piece (which promises an unlimited amount of riches and fame), and quite possibly the most coveted of titles for the person who found it, the title of the Pirate King.Enter Monkey D. Rather than the popular persona of a wicked, hardened, toothless pirate who ransacks villages for fun, Luffy’s reason for being a pirate is one of pure wonder; the thought of an exciting adventure and meeting new and intriguing people, along with finding One Piece, are his reasons of becoming a pirate. The capture and death of Roger by the World Government brought a change throughout the world. One piece english subbed. Luffy, a 17-year-old boy that defies your standard definition of a pirate.
And if you've never actually watched Psycho all the way through, you might wonder what makes this scene so damn important. Not only is it a meticulously crafted piece of suspense, but the twist adds its own shock. Because, well, this isn't the sort of thing that's supposed to happen to our lead character. Hitchcock knew this scene would keep his audience off-balance, and he clearly had a great time putting his audience in that frame of mind. A Nightmare on Elm Street Wes Craven's classic is jam-packed with freaky death scenes -- which only makes sense given that half the movie takes place inside imagined nightmares -- but for my money the most shocking dispatch is (maybe) the simplest one.
One minute, Freddy sucks Johnny Depp into a bed. The next, out pours a typhoon of blood. Does it make 'logical' sense? Does it fit the theme and tone of the film, and set the stage for a wonderfully unpredictable horror film? (And the sequels also offer a few outstanding death scenes! Part 4's always freaked me out, as did the ' sequence from Part 3.). The Dead Zone (1983) David Cronenberg's crisp rendition of Stephen King's novel isn't a horrific movie.
Watch 100 Feet Full Movie Online Free 123Movies, After spending 7 years in prison for murdering her husband in self defense, Marnie Watson is released and ordered to spend six months under house arrest, only to discover that the house is possessed by the enraged and violent spirit of her dead husband. Sep 16, 2016 - Paul Schrader's '80s remake took full advantage of the modern. A strong contender for the best horror film of 2014, It Follows runs with its.

Creepy, sure. Melancholy, yes. Darkly clever and quietly powerful, absolutely. The bulk of the movie deals with a schoolteacher who awakens from a coma, only to realize that he has earned the gift of second sight. In other words, he can glean something from your future just by touching you.
But our unhappy protagonist's sleepy town also has a serial killer on the loose, and this grim subplot comes to a shocking close when the suspect jams a sharp pair of scissors directly into his face. Cronenberg doesn't linger on the aftermath, but we do get a pretty clear idea of how horrific the killer's demise must have been. The Thing Neither critics nor general audiences went for John Carpenter's The Thing back in 1982, but over the years the gory paranoia thriller has more than earned its place in the horror cinema hall of fame. One of the film's high points comes at the end of a wonderfully suspenseful 'blood test' sequence: a doctor (unwisely) attempts to shock a dying man back to life, only to have the 'man's' chest transform into a giant mouth -- and bite his damn arms off. Horror this gruesome may not be for all tastes, but if you can appreciate the wildness of makeup artist Rob Bottin's icky creations, you won't find a much more entertaining sequence of blood, gore, and freakish mayhem.